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Smackdown & NXT

We go to the ring and out come new SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos as Greg Hamilton does the introduction.The Usos say they told everyone they had the tag team division on lock. They welcome us to the Uso Penitentiary. They say you come out of the Cell as a changed man so they want The New Day to come out and hear what they have to say to their faces. The music hits and out comes Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. Kofi is dancing around while Big E and Xavier are moving slower than usual due to Sunday's brutal match.The Usos say both teams went to war last night and the other teams in the back suck. Woods wouldn't say they suck but these teams in the ring are the best. The Usos go on with props for both of them, also talking about how beat up they were after the match. The Usos say they and The New Day are the tag team division and they run the division. The New Day wonders if The Usos are asking for a truce. The Usos say it's all about respect. The fans pop. The music interrupts and out come The Hype Bros.
Mojo Rawley says this is the problem - the same two teams taking all the credit each week, leaving the others out in the cold. Some fans gave him the "what?!" treatment. The Usos knock Mojo and his brief NFL career. The music hits and out comes Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable next. Gable calls them The Hype Boys and tells them to get to the back of the line after their loss on Sunday. The Usos talk about how Gable went out and got himself a Shelton Benjamin. They also tell Zack Ryder and Mojo to get to the back of the line. The music hits and out comes Breezango. Before Fandango or Tyler Breeze can speak, the music hits and out comes The Ascension. Breeze asks them to stop following them. The Usos knock all the other teams but The New Day says no, Breezango is cool. The Usos say if any of the other teams want a shot at the title, come on in the ring and make one. The music hits again and out comes SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan.Bryan says tonight is really not a good night or all this. Fans boo. Bryan thanks The Usos and The New Day for their incredible match at Hell In a Cell. Bryan asks them to please get out of the ring. A "no!" chant starts up next. Bryan says they aren't going to like this but when he says get out of the ring, he means get out of the ring. Bryan says we are going to determine the new challengers for The Usos with a Fatal 4 Way tag team match. And that match is going to happen right now. Bryan's music hits as a "yes!" chant starts and we go to commercial.
#1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: The Hype Bros vs. The Ascension vs. Breezango vs. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
Back from the break and we get the bell. Konnor starts off with Mojo Rawley. They run the ropes and Zack Ryder tags in to take out Konnor with a missile dropkick. Viktor comes in and Ryder drops him on his face. Viktor comes back with a corkscrew uppercut for a 2 count. Ryder with some offense now. Chad Gable tags in and takes control of Viktor, taking him to the mat. We see The Usos watching at ringside.Shelton Benjamin tags in and keeps up the attack on Viktor for another pin attempt. Gable tags back in and keeps Viktor grounded on the mat. Viktor turns it around and works on Gable's arm as fans chant for Gable. Gable out-wrestles Viktor and takes him back down. Viktor ends up ramming Gable back into the corner and tagging in Konnor for some double teaming. Konnor with a big knee for a 2 count as other teams run in. The four teams face off in the ring as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Mojo is unloading on Tyler Breeze. Mojo with a big splash in the corner and another. Mojo catches Breeze in a big slam but the other teams break the pin. A big brawl breaks out now. The ring clears to leave Mojo alone with Breeze. Mojo rams Breeze into the corner, then tags in Ryder. They go for the double team but Viktor pushes Ryder. Ryder and Mojo argue, which leads to Breeze rolling Ryder up for a 2 count.Breeze runs into knees in the corner from Ryder. Breeze avoids the Broski Boot. Viktor and Benjamin come in. Benjamin nails a spinebuster. Benjamin and Gable take out Breeze and others. Benjamin wit a spinebuster to Konnor. Gable and Benjamin stand tall. They go for the double team on Breeze but Fandango makes the save. Fandango misses the Last Dance on Benjamin. Gable with a big moonsault. The chaos leads to Gable and Benjamin getting the pin on Breeze to earn a future title shot.
Winners and New #1 Contenders: Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
We see stills from Sunday's SmackDown Women's Title match at Hell In a Cell, which saw Natalya retain via disqualification over Charlotte Flair. Lana and Tamina Snuka confront Natalya backstage now. Lana says the title will soon look good on Tamina as it will be ravishing. Natalya mocks her for fantasizing. Carmella interrupts with her Money In the Bank briefcase and taunts them. Natalya says they can all agree that they deserve to be champion more than Charlotte. Charlotte appears and stares Natalya down. Natalya asks Charlotte why she has a long face, if it's because she broke her father's poor heart again. Flair attacks her and unloads until it's broken up. Renee Young is backstage with new WWE United States Champion Baron Corbin. He takes shots at keyboard warriors, Tye Dillinger and AJ Styles. Corbin says tonight, the house that AJ built becomes the opportunity that AJ squandered.
Carmella vs. Becky Lynch
Back from the break and Ms. Money In the Bank is in the ring. James Ellsworth, wearing his leash, is chained to the ring post. Becky Lynch is out next.The bell rings and Becky takes Carmella down and mounts her with strikes. Becky is still upset for last week as she keeps up the attack. Carmella slaps Becky and tries to retreat but Becky grabs her. Becky with the Bexploder suplex. Carmella goes to the floor and Ellsworth checks on her. Becky follows and Carmella takes advantage of Ellsworth being in the way to turn it around.Carmella works Becky over on the floor as fans chant for Becky. Carmella brings it back into the ring for a 2 count. Carmella takes Becky back down and hits her, keeping her grounded on the mat.Becky gets up and out, managing to knock Carmella back into the corner. Becky charges but Carmella knocks her out of the air. Carmella approaches but Becky applies the Disarm Her in the middle of the ring for the win.
Winner: Becky Lynch
Back from the break and out comes Kevin Owens. Greg Hamilton announces him as the victorious Kevin Owens.Owens limps to the ring and has his arm taped up. Owens says he did exactly what eh said he would do at Hell In a Cell - he sent Shane McMahon straight to hell. Owens says the SmackDown Commissioner is gone and he's never coming back. Owens says fans should be counting their blessings because they almost lost him as well. St. Peter himself was about to welcome him into the Pearly Gates but said the people need him on Earth just as bad. Owens was then given his own guardian angel - Sami Zayn. Owens then realized his new purpose, to make SmackDown his own personal paradise. Here we are tonight in his own personal heaven, or as he likes to call it - The Kevin Owens Show. Owens then introduces his best friend and guardian angel, Sami Zayn.
The music hits and out comes a happy Sami to the ring. Sami does his usual mannerisms as some fans cheer. Sami starts to speak but Owens apologizes for interrupting. Owens wants Sami to confirm to the people that he had no idea Sami was going to interfere on Sunday night. But first, Owens needs to tell Sami from the bottom of his heart - thank you. Sami says the recent powerbomb from Owens opened his eyes to everything. Sami says his whole life has been about pleasing the people. Sami says he put the wishes of the people on his shoulders but it just brought him to mediocrity while Owens was becoming champion. Sami thought his time had come when Shane brought him to the land of opportunity. Sami says Shane put on a show, about how RAW was misusing him and ow SmackDown would show him the respect he deserved. Sami says that was the last meeting he had with Shane but it's OK because people get busy, and he had that little helicopter accident. Sami says he would keep showing up with a smile on his face until a few weeks ago when he saw Shane backstage and tried to warn him what Owens is capable of. 
Sami says Shane just brushed him off. Sami says that's when he realized that Shane never really cared about him or wanted him to get an opportunity. Cut to Hell In a Cell, Sami was watching the match like everyone else and wanted Shane to win like everyone else. When Shane knocked Owens off the Cell to the announce table, he had the match won but he turned around and started to climb back to the top of the Cell again.Sami says Owens has been a lot of things to him over the years but one thing he will always be is his brother. When Sami saw Shane go back to the top of the Cell, he realized Shane only cared about himself and wanted to end Owens' career or worse. Sami says he then saved his brother because it was the right thing to do. He saved his brother because Shane had become an absolute psychopath. Sami thought he despised Owens for a long time but now he sees he just despised the fact that Owens was right. Now there's not much left to say but thank you. Sami and Owens hug in the middle of the ring to a mixed reaction. Sami's music hits and they hug again. Owens raises Sami's arm and tells the crowd to give it up for him. The music stops and Sami raises Owens' arm, asking the crowd to give it up for him. They go back and forth with getting props for each other. Owens' music hits and they hug again. Owens raises Sami's arm and they play to the crowd some more.
Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rusev and Aiden English
Back from the break and Rusev is already out with Aiden English as Randy Orton makes his entrance. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next.The bell rings and Orton goes at it with Rusev. Rusev avoids an early RKO attempt but gets sent to the floor. English and Rusev team up but it backfires and this leads to Orton slamming Rusev on top of the announce table. Orton smiles and brings Rusev back into the ring. English grabs Orton's leg while he's on the apron. Rusev takes advantage and kicks Orton from the apron to the floor. English tags in and attacks Orton while he's down on the floor. We go to commercial.Back from the break and the heels are still in control of Orton. English tags back in and covers for another pin attempt. English keeps Orton grounded now. Fans chant for Orton as he fights up and reaches for a tag but English keeps control. English wastes some time and Orton catches him in the powerslam.Nakamura gets the tag and unloads on English, delivering a bunch of kicks while he's on his knees. English catches a kick but Nakamura drops him. Nakamura with a running knee in the corner. Nakamura places English on the top and delivers another knee. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa but Rusev runs in and grabs him. Nakamura decks Rusev and Orton follows up with the RKO. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa on English for the pin.
Winners: Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura
Renee Young is backstage with AJ Styles for comments on tonight's main event. He talks about losing the title at Hell In a Cell and says only one Superstar was phenomenal in the Triple Threat. He goes on and is confident about taking the title back tonight. Styles says the bottom line is that it's End of Days for Corbin's title run tonight.
We go to the ring and out comes Bobby Roode to a pop.Roode takes the mic and says he is very happy to announce that his WWE pay-per-view debut was glorious. That is, until Dolph Ziggler attacked him after the win. Roode says if Dolph wants to fight, let's do it. The music hits and out comes Ziggler. The music quickly stops and Ziggler takes the mic.Ziggler mocks Roode when talking about their match at Hell In a Cell. Ziggler says he, being the greatest performer in WWE history, exposed Roode for what he is - a fraud. Ziggler says he proved he's the better man and the better wrestler while Roode panicked because his lie was unraveling. Ziggler says Roode panicked and did the only thing he knew that would beat Ziggler. Ziggler shows us still from the match, which have Roode using a handful of tights to get the roll-up. Ziggler does not show how he tried the same move. Ziggler says Roode isn't just a flashy entrance, he's a cheater. Roode says he just proved he's smarter than Ziggler. Ziggler gets fired up about how he's the best. He wants his rematch.
Roode says Ziggler can have the rematch if he wants it. Ziggler says that's excellent... any time, any place, Roode can name it. Roode says the rematch will go just like their first match did. Ziggler says Roode won't have a chance in hell at beating him. Roode believes he can speak for everyone else in the arena when he says he's tired of hearing Ziggler talk. Roode tells Ziggler to come to the ring for the rematch now if he's done whining. Ziggler looks like he's about to hit the ring but he tells Roode he can't always get what he wants. Ziggler says he will have his rematch when he wants but it sure as hell won't be here tonight. Fans boo as Ziggler walks off to the back. Roode's music hits as he poses in the ring.
WWE United States Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin
We go to the ring and AJ Styles is already out as is new WWE United States Champion Baron Corbin. Greg Hamilton does formal ring introductions.The bell rings and AJ goes right to work, nailing an enziguri and a dropkick to send Corbin to the floor. Corbin takes his time returning to the ring. AJ goes right to work. Corbin charges but AJ pulls the top rope down and Corbin lands on the floor. Corbin returns to the ring but AJ takes him to the corner for more offense. Corbin goes to the floor for a breather as fans boo. Corbin tells the crowd to shut up as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Corbin runs over Styles with a big lariat. Corbin talks trash as he waits for AJ to get up. Corbin works AJ over as we see how Corbin sent AJ into the steel steps during the commercial. Fans chant for AJ as Corbin works him around the ring, still talking trash.AJ fights back and unloads, nailing Corbin in the corner. AJ keeps up the attack and takes the knees out. AJ with the low forearm. AJ keeps control and scoops Corbin onto his shoulders but it's countered. AJ ends up on the apron. Corbin slides under him and goes to the floor but AJ launches him over the announce table with a big dropkick through the tables. Fans chant for AJ as he brings Corbin back into the ring. AJ goes for the springboard 450 but hesitates and hits the Phenomenal Forearm instead.AJ with the backbreaker over his knee for a 2 count. AJ sells a knee injury but keeps control. Corbin catches Styles in a Deep Six and they both go down. More back and forth and counters now. AJ ends up applying the Calf Crusher in the middle of the ring. Corbin breaks it with a big shot into the mat. They get up and Corbin unloads with elbows. AJ blocks End of Days and hits a pele kick. Corbin rolls to the floor for a breather to avoid the pin. AJ leaps off the apron but Corbin catches him and launches him to the floor. Corbin brings it back into the ring and hits End of Days for the pin.
Winner: Baron Corbin
After the match, Corbin stands tall as we get replays. Renee enters the ring to interview Corbin, asking if he has any words for the WWE Universe tonight. Corbin says they all can look at the title and eat it because it's his and it's not going anywhere. Corbin says they can cry and he will buy a boat to sail down their river of tears. Corbin stands tall with the title as SmackDown goes off the air.
Peyton Royce vs. Nikki Cross vs. Liv Morgan (NXT Women's Championship Fatal 4-Way Qualifying Match)
Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness welcome us in with the Iconic Duo coming to the ring. Liv out and finally, Nikki, who heads to the ring without any other members of Sanity. Both Nikki and Liv start jawing at Peyton, Nikki grabs Liv's arm and they double clothesline Peyton out of the ring momentarily. Nikki turns her attention to Liv, throwing her face first into the turnbuckle before jumping on her back to lock in a body scissors. Peyton in with a spinning hook kick, misses both of her opponents. Peyton goes for the first pin of the night, Liv shrugs her off and the two start bickering before exchanging strikes. "Little brat!" Peyton yells and she kicks away at Liv. Peyton locks in a submission on the ropes (remember no rope break) until Nikki finally claws Peyton down, heads first, to the floor, ouch.
Billie Kay tries to interject herself in the match and gets blasted off the apron by Nikki. The wild one goes after both women, dropping both to the mat. Liv and Peyton get caught up on the top rope, Nikki runs over and hits a Tower of Doom, with all three women down. Suddenly, The Undisputed Era shows up with Taynara Conti, who is sent to the ring! She yanks Nikki down, but gets a forearm to the face, sending her to the floor. Nikki hits a neck break on Peyton, goes for a pin, only two. Swinging neckbreaker by Nikki on Liv, Conti pulls Nikki out of the ring, and suddenly realizes the error of her ways. An angry Nikki chases her around the floor and into the ring, but Peyton hits a nice spinning kick and fisherman's suplex on Nikki to get the win!
Winner: Peyton Royce (Advanced to the Fatal 4-Way Championship Match)
Lio Rush vs. The Velveteen Dream
Rush out first to a nice pop from the crowd, Velveteen Dream out next who checks every square inch of the wrestling mat. Dream tries to talk some sense into Rush, but gets slapped in the mug. Rush uses some redirection and speed to completely confuse Dream! Crowd goes nuts for that initial sequence. Dream puts that to a halt by whipping Rush into the turnbuckle, sending him flying to the floor. Dream with a backbreaker, pin, two. Beautiful swinging DDT counter by Rush, who goes for a pin, 2. Commentary is having fun with this match. Dream looks to finish things off with The Purple Rainmaker, pin, 1-2-3. Great match, Rush really got the crowd's attention in that one.
Winner: The Velveteen Dream via Pinfall
Danny Burch vs. Lars Sullivan
Burch strolls right up and smacks Sullivan twice, before getting thrown into the corner. Burch with another punch, but Sullivan ends up dropping him in a hurry. Big clubbing blows to Burch's head over and over again. Sullivan throws him into the corner followed up by a big splash. Sullivan with a big suplex and plays with a grounded Burch, kicking lightly at him. Burch up on his shoulders, but Burch fights off and lands some big chops and European uppercuts. Sullivan with a clothesline and side spinebuster to get the pinfall victory.
Winner: Lars Sullivan via Pinfall
Recap of Roderick Strong and Drew McIntyre's NXT Championship match from last week. The two shook hands after the match, then The Undisputed Era spoke with Strong on the stage before he headed off.
Street Profits vs. Damien Smith and Espada
Montez Ford makes fun of Smith's size, getting on his knees and dancing. A couple more shoulder shakes and in comes Dawkins jumping up and over Ford, landing on Smith's back (who was draped over the top rope). Ford runs around a bit in celebration and yells at anyone he can find in, crowd, security guy, it doesn't matter. Back in the ring, Dawkins drops his opponent, Ford hits a frog splash and it's already over.
Winners: Street Profits
Post-match, Ford has some fun with people at ringside, before jumping into the crowd with Dawkins for a "Hey, hey, hey!" party.
Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas (with Zelina Vega)
Gargano tries to get at Almas, but can't quite get a hold of them as we see a nice mat game being played out at the start of the match. We finally get to a stalemate and both glare at each other momentarily. Gargano tries to throws Almas to the floor, he stops himself in the ropes before dropping to the mat, Gargano goes for a submission, but rope break ends that in a hurry. Gargano with a flying headscissors then snaps Alams' arm over his shoulder. Gargano throw into the corner, feet up, tossed to the side and both are on the apron. Almas tries for a suplex and ends up getting a big boot on Gargano. He then drives Gargano to the apron as we head to break.Back from break, we're in the ring and Almas locks in a triangle armbar in the ropes until the count of four. Back and forth punches from both wrestlers until Gargano gets shoved into the corner. Gargano up to the top, gets chopped in the chest, but he's able to hit a tornado flatliner anyways. Gargano on the apron, tries for his spear into the ring, gets caught, Gargano back body drops Almas to the floor and a quick suicide dive on Almas gets the crowd up and cheering. Back in the ring, Almas almost steals the match with a handful of tights. Dragon suplex with the bridge on Gargano, only two! Almas starting to get frustrated with his opponent.
Out on the floor, Almas gets a boot to the face, but is brought back into the ring. Huge strikes from both wrestlers, elbows, punches, back elbows, chops, Gargano lands a big kick, pin, two! Gargano crawls his way to the top rope while Almas is woozy. He ends up tossing the referee into the ropes which drops Gargano on his Johnnies. Both up on the ropes, slaps back and forth, Gargano goes for a powerbomb, Almas flips out of it, Gargano with a lariat, Lawn Dart into the second turnbuckle, crucifix bomb, and Johnny locks in the Gargano Escape! Vega unzips her jacket to show off a DIY shirt, which doesn't work as well as she hoped. Almas does get to the ropes though. She jumps up on the apron and distracts, Almas goes for a small package, only a two. Multiple counters into pins until Gargano hits a super kick. Gargano gets dropped and is laying on the bottom turnbuckle, two double knees to the back of head, oh! Hammerlock DDT for the pin, 1-2-3! Heck of a match between these two!
Winner: Andrade "Cien" Almas via Pinfall
Post-match, Vega jumps in the ring to celebrate with Almas, taking a moment to taunt Gargano.


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