The show opens with a video package setting up our two finalists, featuring short promos from both women. Renee Young is standing by with the trophy, welcoming us to the show and tossing to a recap of the red carpet from earlier tonight. Shown at ringside now are Dana Warrior, Beth Phoenix, Alundra Blayze and, in a different section, Mauro Ranallo. Renee tosses to Jim Ross and Lita at the commentary booth, where they talk up how important the tournament is for women's wrestling. Kairi Sane is shown walking backstage as Jim talks her up, and then, by contrast, we're shown Shayna Baszler walking backstage with Ronda Rousey and Jessamyn Duke. This sets up a video package for Baszler followed by more folks at ringside, this time Ata Johnson and Erica Wiebe in one group, and Candice LeRae, Mercedes Martinez, Toni Storm, and Piper Niven in another. Entrances for the finals follow, and Lilian Garcia returns to do the ring announcing for them.
Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler
WWE Mae Young Classic Tournament Finals
Baszler thinking about going low but they settle on a collar and elbow, Shayna shoving Kairi away. Back to the lockup, this time forcing her into the ropes and breaking clean. Double leg takedown into slaps, shifting to an armbar but Sane counters into a schoolboy near fall and Baszler is able to get a sleeper in. Continuing to roll around, stalemate reached and they get back to their feet. Shayna offers up a test of strength and Kairi accepts it, game to struggle. Baszler pushes her to the mat and kicks her leg out from under her before landing a kick to the back. Whip across, Sane with head scissors off the ropes, waist lock, standing switch, Kairi catches one kick but eats a second hard enough that she gets knocked to the floor.
Shayna heading to the apron, Penalty Kick cuts Sane off and she dumps her back in on her own time, getting a two count on a cover. Picking the arm, double wristlock to neutralize the elbow, setting her palm on the mat and stepping on her hand before stomping the elbow. Kairi clutching the arm but able to fend off a Karelin lift, Baszler sidesteps the spear and stomps the hand. Seated armbar from a wrist lock, old-school style, into a stepover armlock and the twist, a snap echoing audibly across the arena. Facelock, Kairi floats over, off the ropes, hits the spear but Baszler gets her up and over with the overhead Karelin lifts for a near fall. Back to the arm, wrenching the hell out of it, kind of a Jim Breaks Special but Sane has the ropes. Double axe handles as Sane tries to get back into it, shifting to one-handed chops as Shayna falls into the ropes but the Queen of Spades nails her with a knee to the arm when she backs off on the charge. Crisscross, the spear connects full-force this time... Kairi fired up, off the ropes, sliding strike, basement dropkick, a cover gets a near fall and she locks body scissors on after!
Baszler turns around in the body scissors and escapes with hard palm strikes, sending Sane stumbling in the corner. Kairi rolls away from the attack, lands a shoulder thrust and begins marching across the ring but the sliding elbow misses and Shayna takes control again with a single kick to the arm. Hooking the Kirifuda Driver but Sane slips out and lands an axe kick. Climbing up top for the elbow... Baszler catches the arm and rolls her into the sleeper hold. Sane flags but does not fail, elbowing the ribs for an escape. Shayna draws her to her feet but Kairi is on the ball with a wicked spinning back fist. Back up top, Baszler cuts her off with a kick and clubs her back on the second, hooking a front chancery but Sane counters with body blows. Trading forearms in the turnbuckles, Kairi fired up but Shayna goes back to the double wristlock! Referee Danilo Anfibio warns her off and Sane knocks her down into the tree of woe... Double Stomp into a cover but they are near the ropes Kairi gives off a battle cry, hits the sliding forearm, climbs up top...
Kairi Sane wins by pinfall with the diving elbow drop, winning the Mae Young Classic!
Kairi clutches the injured arm close as she goes over to help Shayna up and they have a moment of sportsmanship between them.Sara Amato, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H come into the ring to present the trophy to Kairi and properly celebrate her victory. That's the show, folks.
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