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Jeff Hardy # 1 Contender

The show opens with Miz, Maryse, and the Miztourage of Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel in the ring.Commentary addresses Booker T's absence and replacement by Jerry "The King" Lawler while sending well-wishes to him and everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey before hyping up Brock Lesnar appearing, our women's title match, and a contract signing between John Cena and Roman Reigns for their match at No Mercy.Miz begins to speak and is immediately cut off by Raw GM Kurt Angle making his entrance. He thinks he knows what Miz is going to say, and his perception is that the status of the Intercontinental Championship has been diminished. It wasn't defended at SummerSlam, but it will be at No Mercy, and his opponent The A-Lister cuts him off and continues where he left off, defining "respect" according to the dictionary and telling Kurt that he doesn't understand what respect means. Understand that it's a disrespect to him when he comes out and interrupts what he has to say, and a disrespect to the Intercontinental Championship.Angle says he's here to give the title the showcase it does deserve, and next week he'll defend the title against the winner of a #1 contender's battle royal that's going to start right now! Big Show's in it, totally clean-shaven and terrifying. The Hardy Boyz come down, they're in it as well. Finn Balor, too. The match will begin after the break.

15-Man WWE United States Championship #1 Contender's Battle Royal

Curt Hawkins poses and immediately gets dumped by literally everyone else in the match. They then turn to Big Show, who's game for them to try and proceeds to throw everybody off like the giant he is. The match breaks down into normal battle royal action from there, the Miztourage dumping Kalisto, Finn working the Drifter over in the corner as the Club and the Hardyz clash.Show caving everybody's chests in with overhand chops but Karl Anderson is looking to put him to sleep. The giant shrugs him off but Luke Gallows and Finn Balor assist him in dumping Big outside and eliminating him! The Club riding high together, baby! Elias and Balor into it with each other again, Matt Hardy looking to dump Jeff Hardy at the same time as the Miztourage dump R-Truth and eliminate him!Goldust nearly eliminates Jordan, Axel and Dallas have Balor of the ropes and the Drifter comes to help but Balor stays in there. Again Elias goes after Finn but Goldust of all people makes the save and drops him with a snap scoop power slams. Anderson with the inverted Gun Stun, Big Hoot with the slicing right and a low bridge eliminate Goldust to send us to break. Back from commercial, the battle royal rages on, Jordan trying to eliminate the Drifter while the Hardyz and the Club fight it out and the Miztourage tries to dump Finn. Gallows blocks a Twist of Fate but gets low bridged and eliminated! Anderson thinks he's got Matt dumped but Hardy lands on the apron and pulls him out with him! Slugging it out on the apron, Twist of Fate denied but Matt puts Anderson into the ring post and eliminates him! Luke eliminates Matt in return and the Club put the boots to him. With the referees distracted, Miz saves Bo! The Miztourage in it with Jason, Finn heads to the apron for a moment to clock Axel, picking up a head of steam before taking it to Elias and nearly eliminating him Balor taking all comers, shotgun dropkick on Bo, Sling Blade on Jordan, a face off with Jeff Hardy but he starts rolling in return, Manhattan Drop to the basement dropkick, Twist of Fate denied and Finn plants him with a Sling Blade! Shotgun dropkick puts Dallas in the corner, one for Brother Nero as well. Bray Wyatt eliminates Finn Balor! Miztourage are beating on Jordan but he stacks 'em up for a shoulder block, overhead belly-to-belly suplexes for the Drifter and Jeff! Miztourage double team him but he evades them and dumps both of them! He dumps Elias too! Jeff comes from behind...Jeff Hardy wins, last eliminating Jason Jordan over the top rope and becoming #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship.Miz stares Jeff down as he celebrates his victory.Commentary hypes up No Mercy and tosses to a recap of Brock Lesnar's segment from last week before hyping up his appearance tonight and Enzo Amore's first match as a cruiserweight, which will be after the break.
Back from commercial, Alexa Bliss is interviewed backstage.
Her strategy tonight is to win, period. And sure, Sasha Banks is a multi-time champ, but she's never, ever successfully defended the Raw Women's Championship, and tonight, history will repeat itself. She's gonna win the title and humiliate Sasha, exposing her for what she really is, a legit loser.There's a certain anticipation in the air tonight, she can feel it, and the WWE Universe is ready to worship their goddess again as she reclaims her throne.Enzo Amore makes his entrance, he does the deal. He plays a clip of Big Cass getting hurt in their match last week, and clearly, he's proven he can compete with giants, and as of last week, he's able to compete on 205 Live, doing the high flying, fast-paced cruiserweight action, and he can do two things at once.He can watch Floyd Mayweather knock out Conor McGregor and he can make money, he can dance, and he can announce his opponent at the same time. He introduces Noam Dar and calls him SAWFT.Back from commercial in time for the bell to ring.

Enzo Amore vs. Noam Dar

Dar in with a waist lock takedown, riding Enzo and messing his hair before mocking his duck walk. Wristlock, Amore gets the ropes and forces a break. Collar and elbow, Noam gets a wristlock, Enzo reverses, re-reversed, in the ropes, Enzo reversed again and Dar drops him with a right hand! Off the ropes, big knee lift as Neville watches on a monitor backstage.Shoulder arm breaker to a kneeling armbar, Noam pulling at the hair but the cover only gets one. Taking Amore to the corner, big forearms, referee Darrick Moore backs him off and Enzo takes advantage, getting him in the corner and pounding him with body blows. Moore backs him off as well and Dar puts him into the turnbuckles for his trouble.Wristlock kicks to the chest, Enzo counters. Enzo Amore wins by pinfall with an inverted stomp face breaker.Neville is interviewed backstage, calling Enzo a charismatic dynamo, but if that weasel is supposed to be competition for him, then he's going to be champion forever and ever and ever.
Back from commercial, Brock Lesnar makes his entrance, flanked by Paul Heyman as ever.Paul soaks in the atmosphere for a moment before doing his usual schtick. For those of us who thought he was going to come here and sing the blues about Braun Strowman, he grants immunity for the misassessment. They're actually here to sing the praises of Braun, he's the most worthy contender for the Universal Championship in all of WWE.At SummerSlam, a historic night for both men, Strowman scooped Lesnar on his shoulder and power slammed him through an announce table, and then without the help of the other two men, scooped Brock on his shoulders and power slammed him through another ringside announce table. Braun asserted himself, just like he asserted himself on Raw last week and came down to the ring to get in the face of the Conqueror.Heyman tosses to footage of that after warning kids that he doesn't believe in monsters, but he believes Braun is one. Paul continues, saying you raise the title when you're monster enough to take the title before putting his cards on the table. He provides time and location information for No Mercy before saying all that was unnecessary because Brock ducks no man or monster.Now Strowman has to ask himself if Lesnar is going to hunt him down, and he is. This is where his client stands: Brock Lesnar wants Braun-- Brock grabs the mic himself! He says what Paul is trying to say is "Suplex city, bitch." and they walk off.Commentary hypes up the rest of our announced proceedings for tonight before introducing Seth Rollins for singles competition. He's accompanied by Dean Ambrose and he'll be wrestling Cesaro, after the break.Back from commercial, we get a little hype for Total Bellas and a recap of John Cena's return to Raw, for some reason.

Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins

Collar and elbow, Cesaro grabs a side headlock, Seth shoots him off and gets knocked down by the shoulder block. Swiss Superman posing and taunting, back to the lockup, another side headlock, again Rollins shoots him off, drop down, leapfrog, monkey flip, and Cesaro ends up heading outside and up the ramp.Snapping Seth's neck over the top rope but he fights back with chops, off the ropes, big running knee, standing moon sault... NO GOOD! Architect putting boots in the corner but Cesaro sidesteps and Rollins eats turnbuckle. Dumping him outside but referee John Cone backs the Swiss Superman off and Sheamus and Ambrose square up across Seth.Shield boys have the Celtic Warrior two on one and Rollins heads back in, mounted punches in the corner, off the ropes and Cesaro catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker that sends us to break.Back from commercial, Rollins fighting back but Cesaro catches him with a press slam and follows with a leg drop for a near fall. Karelin lift follows, rolling into a second, again just a near fall. Short-arm lariats follow, three of 'em in a row... SETH KICKS OUT AT ONE! Whip to the corner, back elbow up, Rollins throwing desperate punches only to scooped and slammed.Swiss Superman climbing the turnbuckles, perching, a diving cross body but Seth rolls through into a small package for a near fall! Enzuigiri staggers Cesaro, right hands, punches and chops, whip reversed, duck the Lariat, Sling Blade, charging forearm, Cesaro ducks one and sets him up top only to get caught by the diving blockbuster!Rollins up top, cut off by an uppercut, Swiss Superman climbing after but the Architect slips under him, coast to coast buckle bomb! Dean runs Sheamus over outside but Cesaro pops off an uppercut amidst the chaos...Cesaro wins by pinfall with a folding press. Sheamus congratulates his buddy after and says it was beautiful but the night isn't over yet. Before the Shield boys run to the locker room, it's Ambrose vs. Sheamus!

Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus

Celtic Warrior in with punches, to the corner, Dean with the bootup, throwing chops and kicks until Sheamus throws him away. Whip, duck the Lariat, Ambrose clotheslines him to the outside and follows after. Sheamus throws him into the barricade and we go to break.Back from commercial, Ambrose is in the turnbuckles as Sheamus cuts him off. Climbing to meet him, thinking super plex, Dean blocks and knocks him to the mat with a headbutt. Diving elbow drop caught into Irish Curse! NO GOOD! STRETCH MUFFLER! SHEAMUS IS FULLY UPRIGHT AND DEAN SITS UP! PUNCHING HIS HEAD, SHEAMUS COUNTERS WITH A POWERBOMB!Only a near fall and the cloverleaf is in! Ambrose gets the ropes! Beats of the Bodhran, Ambrose slips away and lands a tornado DDT! Both men down and out, Dean rises to his feet and throws punches and chops only to get laid low with a body blow. Off the ropes with a lariat, gasping, staggering, Ambrose charges into a boot but keeps his wits together enough for a swinging neck breaker and a near fall.Looking for a suplex but his back is killing him and Sheamus fires a few elbows to the kidneys. Off the ropes, Sheamus catches him and goes back to the Beats but Dean hangs him up in the ropes! Climbing up top, the Celtic Warrior cuts him off... AVALANCHE FINLAY ROLL! NO GOOD!Dean ducks a Brogue Kick and hits the pendulum lariat! Seth keeps Cesaro from getting involved, Sheamus has White Noise hooked and in the confusion, Rollins snaps off the springboard knee strike on Sheamus! Dean gets the under hooks in. Dean Ambrose wins by pinfall with Dirty Deeds.

Emma is backstage talking to Mickie James about Tweeting about herself. Sure she lost to Nia Jax but she's got more followers on Twitter, so hey, who really won? Mickie makes fun of her and points out that the trending hashtag was #GiveEmmaCPR and asks what she has to be proud of. Emma says she started the women's revolution and decides to start a hashtag about it, but James says if she beats her tonight, she'll tweet anything she wants.But if Mickie wins, Emma can never say she started the women's revolution again.We get a video package for hurricane relief in Texas and Louisiana and go to break.Back from commercial, we get entrances for the match booked before the break!

Emma vs. Mickie James

Collar and elbow, struggling across the ring until Emma grabs a wristlock, wrenching it in and forcing Mickie to one knee. She tries to reverse and Emma puts her into the mat. Dropkick, clothesline, knee strike, forearm, James is fired up but Emma blocks a waist lock with an elbow and gets caught by a neck breaker for a near fall.Back and forth, Mickie gets a few kicks in but Emma catches her off guard...Emma wins by pinfall with a rana pin, meaning Mickie James will have to tweet whatever hashtag Emma wants.Emma gets on the mic and says she started the women's revolution over and over again as she heads up the ramp.

Up next, Cena and Reigns will have their contract signing, after the break.Back from commercial, Kurt Angle is in the ring.He talks up John Cena vs. Roman Reigns and introduces John Cena first. Cena says it's WrestleMania worthy but they're ready to do it at No Mercy, live on WWE Network. This is the reason he came to Raw, to be face to face with the Big Dog. Roman hasn't just been the blue chip prospect, he's been protected against anyone and everyone to step in his path.And then there's him. Cena says we know him, he knows us, and we know he has zero Fs to give and he's the one dude there ain't no protection from, and that's why he wants to fight Reigns because he knows Roman doesn't want to fight him. He signs the contract.Enter Roman Reigns. He gets in the ring and John paces while he stands there. Roman begins, making sure he has it right, he's scared to fight Cena? He doesn't want to fight Cena? That's what he thinks? John may not understand it because no one's told him before, but he's not as big of a deal as he thinks he is.The fact is, Roman doesn't care what he's done or plans to do, he's done something Cena never can, he retired the Undertaker at WrestleMania. So maybe it's not that he doesn't want to fight him, but that he just doesn't need to. John says he's right, he doesn't need to fight, he's the high exalted Roman Reigns, everybody back there knows it and everybody out here is still trying to figure it out.He admits to being controversial as people every week cheer him or boo him or want him to turn heel but with Reigns it's different, they go back and forth with him because when they look at him they see what Cena sees, a cheap-ass corporate-created John Cena bootleg! He calls him a chump and says Reigns isn't the guy, he's a guy trying to fill shoes he never will.Cena tells Roman to listen carefully, he's not the Undertaker, he doesn't have a bad hip, he's the fastest and the hungriest he's ever been, and the reason he won't sign that is because he knows if he does, his Roman Empire...? Cena does the "You can't see me" hand wave and backs away.Reigns says he did it again, he's the king of this, he can take anything and spin it, that's what he does. But it blows his mind that he's standing out here running his mouth about people booing him because they want him to be a bad guy when they boo him because first of all he sucks, to which Cena says that's okay, they think that about Angle.Roman continues amidst some heckling from John, saying they boo him because they see right through him, he's a yes man who can do anything they want him to do, be anything they want him to do, and he's just a "fake bitch". Not only that, he's a "part timin' fake-ass bitch" and Roman will be damned if he's gonna bust his ass five days a week so Cena can hang out on the Today Show and jump on his big ol' bus and maybe come to WWE if they pay him enough.But what's he really gonna do, jump off the bus with that big-ass shovel and bury as much young talent as he can. He'll do anything, a backstabbing shark, but what bugs him is he knows he can't bury the Big Dog. He's the one guy in WWE that John Cena can't see, and why would he want to lessen his legacy to be the next John Cena when he can be the one and only Roman Reigns.John responds, calling Roman a fool, reciting the old canard about keeping your mouth shut lest you prove that you're a fool. He waltzes down here with the same pathetic excuse that everybody else uses, with all his gifts and opportunities, he has the gall to blame Cena? Congratulations, it took him five years to cut a half-decent promo but now he's gonna shrink him down to size.Everybody thinks he has this mythical golden shovel that controls everything? He can't tell if Roman's blind or stupid, listen to the crowd, they hold the keys and they always will. That's fine, he's been doing this for more than ten years and he's been called worse by tougher. You actually believe he swims up top and keeps 'em underwater? He hasn't main evented WrestleMania in five years. He opened SummerSlam. He was honored to win the United States Championship and use it to introduce new stars like Kevin Owens, and Roman took that title as a demotion and he blames him? Fine, he's here because Reigns can't do his job. When it comes to this yard, there's only one rule step up or step aside, and over the years a few have stepped up but nobody kept up.He heard about this guy, this Roman Reigns, this guy that can keep up, and he looks and listens and he should be ashamed that Cena's a part-timer because he does it better part time than Reigns EVER could part time. Cena drops the mic and bids Roman sign the contract, which he does.REIGNS TOSSES THE TABLE ASIDE! BEFORE THEY CAN START FIGHTING THE CLUB INTERRUPT! Anderson says it's getting heated out here with these egos and Gallows says he doesn't think there's enough room in the arena for their egos. They're not Good Brothers, and they need to be taught a lesson by a couple of Good Brothers. Luke says they're gonna march into the ring and beat up a couple of nerds.Angle holds them up for a second before making the tag match official! But first, we go to break.

John Cena & Roman Reigns vs. the Club (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match is in progress, Gallows keeping Cena on the back foot. Whip out of the corner, John gets away, ducks a lariat, shoulder block, shoulder block, duck another lariat, falling Blue Thunder Driver, "You can't see me!", off the ropes, Five Knuckle Shuffle, falling Blue Thunder Driver for Anderson but Luke counters the Five Knuckle Shuffle for his partner with a big boot! A big right, stomps in the corner, Karl getting an eye rake in. Big Hoot with a suplex into a leg drop for a two count. Tag denied Gallows runs him over with a lariat and tags Machine Gun in for repeated knee drops into a reverse chin lock. Desperate for the tag, John fights to his feet and gets Karl up in a fireman's carry. Elbows for the escape into that trademark Anderson spine buster... NO GOOD! Big Luke Gallows tags back in, roundhouse kick, elbow drops, off the ropes for a big one to close it up but Cena rolls aside! Tags all around, the Big Dog in like a house afire with the three lariat combo, another leaping lariat for Luke, corner lariats for Anderson, Drive-By for Gallows and a boot keeps Karl off balance again.Calling for the Superman Punch, Luke runs interference, Anderson gets a near fall off a schoolboy pin but takes the Superman Punch! One for Gallows, Cena with Big Hoot in the fireman's carry, calling for the spear, the Attitude Adjustment hits.The uneasy peace holds in the post-match, Cena golf clapping for Reigns.Backstage, the Drifter is playing his guitar, and we'll walk with Elias after the break.

    Before breaking into song, Elias said that the late Dusty Rhodes called him the Elvis of WWE. He trashed Memphis in verse until announcer Jerry Lawler stopped him to welcome Pelvis Wesley (Heath Slater). Wesley danced in the ring until Elias clobbered him. Back from commercial, commentary recaps the show.Miz is interviewed backstage and scoffs at the idea of defending the title after one match. Maryse adds that she didn't see Jeff Hardy pin anybody and they walk off.Sasha Banks has an interview after. She says Alexa wants to talk a big game but running your mouth doesn't make you champion, and this isn't Game of Thrones, it's Monday Night Raw. Bliss can talk all the trash she likes but she's gonna get the fight of her life and get put into her place and the entire WWE Universe will chant "You tapped out."Alexa Bliss makes her entrance and we go to break on a Burger King ad featuring The Bar.Back from commercial, we get another plea for hurricane relief into some hype for a six-man tag on 205 Live tomorrow night.

Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks (c) (WWE Raw Women's Championship)

Bliss right in with a waist lock to an O'Connor roll, no good and she follows it with a mat slam into a quick crucifix pin. Another roll-up and Banks nearly reverses to the Bank Statement. To the corner, Sasha puts boots to her, shoulder arm breaker, kneeling armbar, wrenching on a wristlock and tossing her around, stepping over and back into the armbar.Clubbing the back, whip but Alexa stops short. The Boss ducks a lariat and hits a dropkick that sends Bliss outside. Back in, Sasha clubs her and slams her face into the mat, fending off a follow-up elbow, into the ropes and again Alexa bails. This time Banks follows her... METEORA OFF THE APRON! Sasha jaws at her and we go to break.Back from commercial, Bliss has turned the tables and has a kneeling armbar in on the champion. Banks gets to her feet, throwing forearms but Alexa gets a wicked hair pull backbreaker in for a near fall! Giant step, stomping away at the back of Sasha's head as referee Rod Zapata warns her, and the cover's only good for a near fall.Bliss choking the champ over the middle rope and putting boots to her in the corner, again just a two count, and this time into a half bow and arrow, wrenching on the back. The Boss escapes with a kick to the face but Alexa throws her into the corner for more boots. A back elbow and a head scissors smash into the turnbuckles for some separation, a few lariats, a dropkick, Banks on a roll!Double knees in the corner but the lower set comes up empty when Bliss heads outside. Alexa up top, Sasha cuts her off but fails to stop the crossbody, having to duck under and roll into a pin for a near fall. Sunset flip countered, only a near fall, Banks sees the Nodowa Otoshi coming and counters into a prawn hold... NOPE!Big right hand, Yoshi Tonic... NOT ENOUGH! Bliss throws a fit before firing off a flurry of mounted punches, Insult to Injury but Banks slips away and buys herself some breathing room. Slow to their feet, the Boss sets Alexa up in the corner and rains forearms down! Back elbow in return but Sasha fires off a kick to the ribs that crack across the arena!Corner double knees, Banks climbs but Bliss cuts her off and meets her, trading forearms in the turnbuckles... the super plex connects! Late to capitalize and Sasha turns the cover into the Bank Statement cross face! Alexa turns it into a pin and Banks has to let go! Lungblower denied Bliss comes in..Nia Jax comes to the ring and attacks Sasha Banks in the corner! She hoists Alexa up on her shoulders in celebration... only to drop her with an electric chair drop! Nia holds the belt high over her head before taking her leave.


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