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4 Way at No Mercy?

John Cena vs. Jason Jordan
We go right to the ring and out comes John Cena as JoJo does the introductions.Jason Jordan is out next for what Cole calls a career-making moment for him. The bell rings and Jordan goes for a quick pin attempt. Jordan with another pin attempt after a takedown. Jordan takes Cena back down and wrestles him on the mat.Cena with a takedown now but Jordan comes right back and out-wrestles Cena again. Fans do dueling chants for Cena now. Cena with a hip toss. Jordan with a fireman's carry into another 2 count. Cena ends up dropping Jordan with a right. Cena with a 2 count. Cena ends up dropping Jordan with a forearm and hitting a suplex. Cena waits for Jordan to get up now. Cena with another right hand as he works Jordan around the ring. Cena with a stiff whip into the corner for another 2 count. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and they're going at it. Jordan with a belly-to-belly suplex. Cena comes back with the shoulder tackles. Jordan counters a move and nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Fans do dueling chants for Cena as both are slow to get up now. They get up and trade shots in the middle of the ring.Cena ends up slamming Jordan in the middle of the ring and hitting the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Jordan blocks the Attitude Adjustment and gets a close 2 count. Cena with the STF in the middle of the ring. Jordan breaks free and applies a cross face submission. Cena breaks the hold and powers to his feet with Jordan on his shoulders. Jordan blocks the Attitude Adjustment and nails two Northern Lights suplexes for a close 2 count. Fans chant "this is awesome" now.Jordan with the big shoulder thrust in the corner. Jordan drops his straps and goes for a slam but Cena counters for a close 2 count. Cena comes right back with the Attitude Adjustment for the pin.
Winner: John Cena
After the match, Cena stands tall as we go to replays. Cena stands tall and helps Jordan to his feet for a show of respect. Cena hits the corner to pose but the music interrupts and out comes Roman Reigns. Back to commercial.Back from the break and Reigns is in the ring with Cena. Some fans are chanting Cena's name. Reigns gets booed as he says he has one question for Cena - if he's as good as he says he is, why does it take a 16-time champ over 20 minutes to beat a rookie? Reigns says if Cena is as good as he says he is, he would've defeated Jordan right away. Reigns goes on and gets the "what!?" treatment from the crowd. Reigns calls Cena a lying, fake ass little b---h. Cena calls Reigns a Debbie Downer and says he's disgusted by Reigns' whole face. Cena says Reigns is doing the worst thing a guy like him could try and do right now - use his brain. Cena goes on and points out how Reigns came out with his zipper down. Reigns says he actually busted the zipper because he's a big dog. Cena says he was just looking for Reigns' balls but he has none. Cena talks about how Reigns is going to lose at No Mercy.
Cena says the only question Reigns will have after No Mercy is how did this happen. Cena says Reigns is a conceited, know-it-all golden boy that needs to be taught about respect. Cena gives props to guys like Jordan, Chad Gable and The Miz for putting in work each week. He respects that. Cena says he does not respect Reigns. Cena doesn't respect how Reigns walks down here and calls Cena a fake b---h. The only person living a lie here is Reigns. Cena goes on and wonders if Reigns can see what's going on here, or does he need to beat some sense into Reigns. Reigns says now they're talking. He tells Cena to do it, bring it. Fans cheer and a "yes!" chant starts up. Reigns tells Cena to do it right now. Reigns asks if fans want to see Cena beat his ass and they do.Reigns taunts Cena and says this is Cena's moment to finally back up his big mouth. Just like Reigns thought, Cena is all talk and that's why he doesn't respect Cena. Reigns drops the mic and leaves the ring as his music hits. Cena stares him down with a smirk on his face.
Cesaro and Sheamus vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater
Back from the break and out comes RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose for commentary. Sheamus and Cesaro are out next. They taunt the champs on the way to the ring. It's confirmed that they will get their rematch at No Mercy. Rhyno and Heath Slater are waiting in the ring.
The bell rings and Slater tries to a quick pin attempt on Cesaro but it backfires and Slater gets beat down. Sheamus comes in and unloads on Slater in the corner. Cesaro tags back in for a 2 count.
Rhyno comes in and ends up unloading on Sheamus. Rhyno with a close 2 count as Cesaro breaks the pin. This leads to Sheamus hitting a Brogue Kick on Rhyno for the easy win.
Winners: Sheamus and Cesaro
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Jeff Hardy vs. The Miz
Back from the break and out comes Jeff Hardy with Matt Hardy. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out next with Maryse, Curtis Axel, and Bo Dallas. We get formal ring introductions from JoJo.Jeff goes for a quick pin attempt but Miz kicks out. Back and forth between the two now as they go at it. Jeff ends up sending Miz to the floor. He runs the ropes for a dive but puts the brakes on as The Miztourage and Miz moves out of the way. We go to commercial. More back and forth after the break. Jeff drops Miz for a close 2 count. Jeff goes to the top and hits Whisper In the Wind for another pin attempt. Jeff goes back to the top but Axel pushes him off while Bo is distracting the referee. Matt comes over and takes out Axel on the floor. Bo charges but Matt fights him off. Fans chant "delete!" as Matt faces off with Axel and Bo. The referee ejects Matt, Axel, and Dallas from ringside. Miz isn't happy. Jeff comes from behind and rolls Miz up for a close 2 count. Jeff with the Russian leg sweep and the leg drop for another 2 count. Jeff keeps control but Miz counters and hits a DDT for a close 2 count. Jeff avoids a Skull Crushing Finale and rolls Miz up for a 2 count. Jeff has Miz in the corner but Miz counters again. Miz with a running knee for a 2 count.
Miz with the "yes!" kicks now. Jeff ducks a kick and ends up kicking Miz hard into the corner as Maryse looks on. Miz kicks out just in time. Miz goes to the floor. Jeff tries to come off the apron but Miz takes the leg out and Jeff lands hard. Miz brings it back into the ring for a 2 count. Miz goes for the Figure Four and gets it locked. Jeff eventually makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jeff kicks Miz and drops Miz for a close 2 count as Miz grabs the bottom rope. Miz rolls to the floor for another breather.Jeff nails Miz on the floor and follows. Jeff runs and jumps off the steel steps for Poetry In Motion. Jeff brings it back into the ring and goes to the top. Jeff goes for a Swanton Bomb but Miz moves out of the way after Maryse wakes him up. Jeff lands hard. Miz struggles to get back to his feet now. Jeff gets up and kicks Miz. Miz blocks a Twist of Fate and nails the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.
Winner: The Miz
We get a look at Alexa Bliss winning the RAW Women's Title last week. Cole confirms Sasha Banks will get her rematch at No Mercy.Nia Jax walks in on RAW General Manager Kurt Angle backstage. She wonders how Sasha is getting a title shot before her. Kurt says it's Sasha's contractually obligated title shot. She goes on about opportunities when Emma walks in. She says according to Twitter, people were talking about her last week, not Nia. Emma has a new hashtag this week - #GiveEmmaAChanceAtTheWomensTitle. Nia threatens Emma and Angle shuts them up. He makes a tag match for tonight. If Emma and Jax win, they will be put into the title match at No Mercy to make it a Fatal 4 Way.
Drew Gulak, Tony Nese and Noam Dar vs. Enzo Amore, Cedric Alexander and Gran Metalik
We go to the ring as Tony Nese, Noam Dar and Drew Gulak wait for their opponents. This is a rematch from last Tuesday's WWE 205 Live episode. Enzo Amore is out next. Gran Metalik and Cedric Alexander are with him. Enzo talks about how 205 Live just became the realest hour of TV. He also does introductions for Cedric and Metalik, then knocks their opponents. Back to commercial.Back from the break and Cedric is going at it with Nese. They run the ropes and Cedric gets the upper hand. Enzo tags himself in and dances around before dropping Nese on his face. Enzo with some more dancing and mocking Nese. Nese turns it around by dropping Enzo into the turnbuckle and in comes Gulak. Gulak talks trash and keeps Enzo grounded.
Gulak keeps Enzo near their corner and tags in Dar. Dar takes Enzo down and taunts his partners. Dar works on the leg and takes Enzo back to their corner. Nese tags in now. Enzo fights out of a hold and reaches for a tag but can't get it. Gulak comes in and decks Enzo but Enzo sends him to the floor. Dar pulls Enzo's leg from the floor but Enzo kicks him and drops him. Enzo goes back in for a tag and in comes Cedric.Cedric goes at it with Gulak and connects with a big elbow. Cedric with a kick to the face for a 2 count as Nese breaks it up. Metalik flies and takes out Nese with a dropkick. Dar comes over but Metalik sends him to the floor. Cedric and Metalik run the ropes and land on Nese and Dar on the floor. Enzo tagged himself in again as Cedric was running the ropes. Enzo with a thumb to Gulak's eyes as the referee wasn't looking. Enzo drops Gulak with the JawdonZO for the pin.
Winners: Enzo Amore, Gran Metalik and Cedric Alexander
Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss are backstage. Bliss doesn't like the situation they're in tonight either. Sasha says we all know Bliss needs her tonight because the chances of her losing the title at No Mercy go up. They have words and Bliss tells Sasha to check her boss ego at the door tonight because she is the champion. Sasha fires back and says they will be victorious tonight and then Sasha will make her scream at No Mercy when she makes her tap out.
Balor declares that Omaha is Balor Club, and does a "too sweet" for the fans. Balor says the WWE NXT Title and the WWE Universal Title used to look good around his waist and the WWE Intercontinental Title would have looked good around his waist but Bray Wyatt cost him the chance last week. Balor says he learned that you never really get rid of a guy like Wyatt, despite winning at SummerSlam. Balor promises that he will be ready for the next time Wyatt appears. Balor says he's chosen his fate and he's not afraid. He doesn't run from his demons because sometimes, he becomes them. If Wyatt wants to continue playing games week after week, let's play them. The graphic flashes and Wyatt appears on the big screen.Wyatt talks about how his bare hands are judge, jury, and executioner. Wyatt goes on and says Balor wasn't victorious over him at SummerSlam, The Demon was. Wyatt tells Balor to put The Demon down and face him man-to-man, show him no mercy. Wyatt tells Balor to make his choice. Balor has already made his choice and he already knows who he is he is Finn Balor. Wyatt wonders if Balor will topple him or run like a scared little rabbit at No Mercy. Wyatt tells Balor to run.
Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss vs. Emma and Nia Jax
Back from the break and out first comes RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss. Sasha Banks is out next. Nia Jax is out first for her team. Emma is out last. If Emma and Nia win, they get put into the title match at No Mercy to make it a Fatal 4 Way.Back from another break and Sasha goes at it with Nia. Nia stops the offense and keeps Sasha on the mat. Nia talks some trash to Emma and Emma tags herself in, going right to work on Sasha. Emma takes Sasha to the corner and unloads as the referee warns her. Sasha tries to turn it around but Emma keeps control and covers for another pin attempt. Emma keeps Sasha grounded with a submission now.Sasha ends up getting a break after a suplex. Sasha tags Bliss in. Bliss takes Emma to the corner and unloads with kicks. More back and forth and tension between the two. Sasha tags in and keeps Emma down in the corner. Sasha takes Emma back down and hits running knees for a 2 count. Sasha keeps Emma grounded now. Sasha takes it to the corner with forearms. Emma also hits a forearm.
Emma tries to tag Nia in but Sasha cuts her off and takes her back to the corner for Bliss to come in. Bliss and Sasha hit a double suplex on Emma. Bliss covers for a 2 count. Bliss uses the ropes on Emma as the referee counts. Bliss with more kicks in the corner on Emma as Nia looks on and waits for the tag. Bliss takes Emma back down to the mat. Bliss keeps control and goes to the top for Twisted Bliss but she comes back down as Emma moves. Emma fights back and finally tags in Nia.Nia faces off with Bliss. Bliss slaps her. Nia yells at her, grabs her and delivers a big clothesline. Nia flattens Bliss in the corner, drops her again and drops elbows. Bliss with a forearm to the face and another. Nia blocks a DDT and throws Bliss into a big Samoan Drop. Sasha breaks the pin up. Nia talks trash to Bliss now. Bliss manages to tag Sasha in. Sasha drops Nia over the top. Sasha comes in and comes off the top but Nia catches a crossbody. More back and forth now. Sasha hits a Shining Wizard for a 2 count. Sasha tries for the Banks Statement but it's blocked. Nia floors Sasha and hits the big leg drop. Emma ends up coming in and stealing the pin. Nia and Emma are going to No Mercy.
Winners: Emma and Nia Jax
After the match, the winners stand tall as we get replays. Emma looks to extend her hand but Nia ends up dropping her and leaving her laying with a Samoan Drop.Renee Young is backstage with Braun Strowman for comments on his first steel cage match. He talks about how he will destroy Big Show tonight and how he doesn't see Kurt Angle putting Brock Lesnar in a steel cage match just a few weeks before their No Mercy match. Braun says he's going to use this match to send a message to Show, Angle, Lesnar and everyone else.RAW Tag Team Champions Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are backstage walking to the ring. They stop and take a look at Elias, who is playing his guitar. 
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Back from the break and Karl Anderson waits in the ring with partner Luke Gallows for this non-title match. Sheamus and Cesaro come down to argue with them. They leave the ring to watch from ringside as RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are out next.Rollins and Anderson start things off. Rollins gets the upper hand early on as fans cheer. Rollins keeps control as Sheamus and Cesaro watch from ringside. Ambrose tags in and keeps up the attack on Anderson. Luke Gallows ends up coming in. Ambrose tags back in but Gallows rocks him and takes control. Rollins tags in and they double team Gallows. Anderson runs in but he gets sent over the top to the floor. Rollins and Ambrose leap out onto their opponents on the floor. They stand tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Gallows has Ambrose down as Rollins tries to rally for him. We see how Anderson nailed a spine buster during the break. Gallows keeps control and raises Ambrose for a big slam. Gallows with a 2 count as Rollins looks on. Anderson tags in and unloads on Ambrose with boots in the corner. Anderson keeps control and covers for another 2 count. Anderson keeps Ambrose grounded now.Ambrose tries to fight back and looks for a tag but Anderson hits a clothesline for a 2 count. Gallows comes back in and hits a splash in the corner. Gallows with another shot before tagging in Anderson. Rollins breaks up a close pin attempt. Anderson takes Ambrose to the top for a super plex as Sheamus and Cesaro look on. Ambrose blocks it and headbutts Anderson to the mat. Gallows comes in and nails Ambrose. Ambrose comes off the top but Gallows catches him. Ambrose with a dropkick and a Lunatic Lariat to finally drop Gallows.Anderson comes back in but Ambrose ducks him and tags in Rollins. Rollins comes off the top and goes to work on Anderson. Rollins with a Blockbuster. Rollins takes Gallows down on the floor. Rollins comes back in and hits a Slingblade on Anderson. Rollins takes Anderson to the top. Gallows gets on the apron but Rollins decks him. Ambrose nails a suicide dive to Gallows on the floor. Rollins climbs back up and hits a hurricanrana on Anderson. Sheamus distracts the referee from the apron. Cesaro gets on the other side of the apron but Ambrose grabs his leg. The interference backfires as Anderson gets hit and Rollins rolls him up for the pin.
Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
After the match, Rollins and Ambrose look on from the ramp as Sheamus and Cesaro talk trash from the ring. Gallows and Anderson come from behind to dump Cesaro and Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus and Cesaro go back into the ring and start brawling. They clear the ring of Gallows and Anderson while the champs look on, mocking them about being scared.
 Back from the break and Enzo Amore is backstage celebrating with Gran Metalik and Cedric Alexander. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville interrupts. He reveals that these three have qualified for a Fatal 5 Way on WWE 205 Live tomorrow night. The winner will face Neville at No Mercy.We see the crew reinforcing the ring for tonight's main event. Charly Caruso is backstage with referee John Cone for comments on tonight's main event. Cone was the referee for the last Show vs. Strowman match that saw the ring collapse. Renee is backstage with Big Show. He gives props to Braun but talks about how he's going to destroy Braun, chokeslam him and walk out victorious. Show goes on and says Braun will have to break him if he wants to put him out to pasture tonight. Show says in 23 years there hasn't been a WWE Superstar big enough or bad enough to break him. Show says Braun may call himself the Monster Among Men but Show is the World's Largest Athlete. Show walks off.
Steel Cage Match: Big Show vs. Braun Strowman
Back from the break and out first comes Big Show for tonight's main event. Braun Strowman is out next. They meet in the middle of the ring as the cage door is closed.The bell rings and Braun immediately stuns Show with a big boot. Braun goes to work and starts unloading on Show, pinning him between the steel and the ropes. Braun charges but Show gets up a fist this time and they both go down. Back to commercial.Back from the break and both Superstars are down in the middle of the ring again. Braun gets up first and charges but Show side-steps and sends Braun into the steel. Show steps on Braun and keeps control. Show launches Strowman into the cage again. Show talks some trash and launches Braun into the cage again.Show looks to climb out of the cage but Braun climbs up with him.
 They trade shots at the top rope. Braun headbutts Show down, crotching him on the top rope. Braun tries to climb but Show crotches Braun on the top rope this time. Show starts climbing up again, turning around to face the ring now. Braun charges but Show boots him. Fans pop as Show stands tall on the top rope, looking to do a move. Show leaps from the top and hits the big elbow drop for a pop.Braun is down now. Fans chant "holy s--t" for Show and do the "this is awesome" chant as Show covers for a 2 count. Braun ends up using the cage door as a weapon and slamming it into Show's head. Braun tries to leave through the door but Show uses the door on him this time. Show charges with a shoulder tackle but they both go down. Show calls for a chokeslam but Braun blocks it and delivers a DDT for a close 2 count. They trade big shots from their knees in the middle of the ring now.
Show gets up first and rocks Braun with body shots. Braun comes back with a headbutt and more shots. Show catches Braun with a big chokeslam but Braun still kicks out at 2. Show signals for the knockout punch as he waits for Braun to get up. Braun ducks the punch and scoops Show on his shoulders. Show slides out and sends Braun into the cage wall. Show starts climbing again to escape the cage. Braun comes from behind and clubs Show in the back. Braun climbs up and they trade shots above the top rope again. Show knocks Braun to the mat. Show keeps climbing to the top to escape. Show is close to getting a leg over the top of the cage but Braun pulls him down. Braun sends Show into the steel again.Show goes back to the corner but Braun climbs up for a super plex. Show headbutts him to the mat. Braun comes back to the top for another super plex attempt, nailing it this time. The ring holds as it was reinforced before the match. Braun stands tall and yells out. Show gets up and Braun scoops him on his shoulders. Braun nails the power slam and covers for the pin.
Winner: Braun Strowman
After the match, Braun stands tall as his music plays. We go to replays. Braun takes the mic and asks if we see what he just did to the so-called giant. What do you think he's going to do to The Beast at No Mercy? Braun yells Brock Lesnar's name and says this is his future at No Mercy, while Braun's future is becoming the new WWE Universal Champion. Braun drops the mic and looks to exit the cage while referee checks on Show. Braun turns back towards Show and approaches him. Braun talks some trash, calling Show an old man. Braun scoops Show and power slams him through the cage wall. The cage wall collapses and Show falls out to the floor. Braun stands tall and walks out of the cage as his music starts back up. We go to replays as officials come to check on Show. RAW goes off the air with Braun standing tall.


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