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Does Lana Deserve A Title Shot?

This what happened on SmackDown Live this week hope you enjoyed the show i know i do Smackdown has had my attention especially with what they have been doing with the Women's division compares to Raw great job to the Creative team on Smackdown WOO! and please subscribe if you are not so you don't miss out when I post and comment down below what you think and any suggestions you have on posts I should do or even shows I should cover thank you for reading. 

What Happened on SmackDown Live:  

Smackdown Live starting off with a video from the Women's number one contender's match last week, the show kicking off with the all five Women in the ring with Shane making his way to the ring. He gives each Woman in the ring a personal introduction before revealing the Money in the Bank briefcase which I'm 50/50 on its cute but I don't know it could have been like the guy's briefcase I'm whatever about it. Interrupted by James Ellsworth and his catchphrase duh! about not needing to Mansplain the Money in the Bank concept because the Princess of Staten Island is going to reign supreme passing the mic to the Princess as she is going to start going into how she is going to win she is interrupted by The Queen, Charlotte who in turn is interrupted by Natalya whom both ripped off members of their family as stated by Natalya and Becky Lynch how interrupts Natalya calling herself the first Miss Money in the Bank. Tamina gets a chance to speak before she is cut off by Naomi's theme she talks about how she wishes she was part of this historic moment in the division but she also knows that she is the one to beat. Lana makes her debut talking about her being put in the Miss Money in the Bank ladder match but Shane shuts her down real quick before you see all the girls laughing at her request and hear Naomi laughing into her mic telling Lana she hasn't been in singles competition or won a match ever so why should she be in the ladder match Lana rebuttals that she can beat her. Before it gets too heated Lana make her way out and the six Woman tag begins with Charlotte and Natalya ripping into each other before Charlotte gets the upper hand and moonwalks poking fun at Carmella before making her way to her corner where Becky tags herself in starting to bring it to Natalya but manages to get to her corner tagging herself in Carmella. Becky taking the upper hand with Carmella attempting a pin but soon after Carmella starts to crawl over to her corner for a tag but Becky goes for another Pin attempt before wrapping her legs around Carmella midsection and rolls her over for another two pin attempts before she just rolls all over the ring twice before stopping with both women dazed. Becky goes for another pin and still in control until she gets Carmella in the corner and uses the second rope for leverage and ends up on the outside where Natalya takes advantage on the outside while the ref is handling Carmella. Becky still in the ring with Natalya trying to get the tag but Nattie brings her to her corner tagging in Tamina, working as a team the Welcoming Committee Natalya now back in the ring getting cocky and getting Charlotte riled up causing Becky another chance for a roll up pin but Natalya still having the upper hand. Both women down after Becky delivers a dropkick Natalya making it to her corner first tagging in Carmella who runs to Becky's corner to knock down her team but only manages to knock down Charlotte as her attention is on Naomi. Becky goes for another roll up before tagging in Naomi who goes right after Carmella who goes to her corner and tags in Tamina nothing but kicks coming from Naomi to Tamina before heading to the apron then the top rope for a cross body then a pin which is broken up by Carmella. Charlotte comes in the ring and gives her a big boot before Tamina and Natalya double team Charlotte as they continue to beat her up Lana makes her way down the ramp to distract the champ and sweeping Naomi's feet and landing on the apron back first as she rolls in the ring, Tamina hits a superkick and get the win for the Welcoming Committee as the two teams look at each other Lana in the back of the Welcoming Committee in the ramp laughing at what she had done to the champ, Naomi. Lana versus Naomi at Money in the Bank for the Women's Championship?
                         Shane walks down the hallway and sees the Andre Memorial Battle Royal trophy, Mojo come into frame talking about how he thought that winning the trophy was going to be what he needed for the door to open up for him but he hasn't been seen on Smackdown for two months. Shane makes the match Jinder Mahal against Mojo Rawley after Mojo made some points about him beating Jinder multiple times. A rematch from last week Aj Styles versus Dolph Ziggler, Dolph going right after the leg of Aj to start off the match Ziggler getting the upper hand on Styles who has to go in some but not a lot of offense. Dolph with a pin attempt using the Ropes for leverage but Aj kicks out and Ziggler is caught by the ref, Dolph still with the upper hand and now both men on the top rope Ziggler setting up for a super plex but Aj slips out and Ziggler kicks him knocking down Styles momentarily Ziggler is caught mid-air by Syles and thrown to the opposite side of the ring into a corner. Ziggler tosses Syles to the apron, Aj hit Dolph with a forearm about to go to the top for a Phenomenal forearm but Dolph try to block it Styles ducks and hits Ziggler in the midsection going for a roll up but is reversed into a pin attempt by Ziggler again using the ropes but Aj still kicks out. Aj Styles goes for a pin only gets a two count so he sets up for the Styles Clash and gets the win.
                      Another Fashion Files opening up with the bulletin board with some fashion cases on them with Tyler Breeze looking at the various cases while sipping tea as a shirtless Fandango come into frame informing Breeze that the cologne they found was taken to the boy in the lab which he found out there is none of so he drank the cologne and examined it for prints he then take the tea from Breeze as he proceed to tell Tyler that he no longer thinks it's the Colons cologne. This confuses them both as they start to use the voice over while they just stare at each other as the New Day come down the hallway with a box in hand as they make their way into the Fashion Department office going from full color to now black and white asking Breezango if they can help them with a case still both using their voice overs say yes but the New Day can't hear their voiceovers so they continue by giving them RompHim's but Fandango throws it on the ground twice but Breeze leaves and comes back with it on as Fandango is telling Big E and the rest of the New Day that they don't take bribes. All is taken back when Fandango looks at Breezes RompHim he accepts and wants to hear more about the case  they need all the information about the Usos for Money in the Bank so they go back and hand them each one box before going back to the voice over and just staring at them before they get the hint and leave still in their voice over chanting New Case Rocks! as Fashion Files comes to a close with the crowd also chanting New Case Rocks.  Mojo Rawley versus Jinder Mahal, Mojo getting the best of Jinder who makes his way to the outside for a breather before Rawley gets back to work on Jinder but the Singh Brother cause a distraction thus allowing Mahal to get the upper hand but Mojo getting back into it and knocking down Jinder but as Mahal is on the shoulders of Mojo Rawley he  reverses it and throws Rawley shoulder first into the steel steps and goes for the Khalass for the win. Afterward, Jinder Mahal cuts a promo which is met by Boos from the crowd and claps from the Singh Brothers.
                   Randy gets interviewed by Renee about his Money in the Bank rematch against the current champion Jinder Mahal but Randy says actions speak louder than words. The Colons in the ring against the New Day starting the match is Primo and Xavier Woods Primo takes the upper hand after a while of back and forth Woods gains the momentum and tags in Big E sets up Epico for a spank as Primo enters the ring Woods does the same as the new day spank the Colons the crowd chants New Day Rocks. Primo and Woods in the ring as during the commercial break Primo was in control but not for long as Woods goes to the top rope and hit a mistle drop kick and crawls to the corner to tag in Big E and Primo tag in Epico. Big E has the control in the match, Primo enters the ring only to be thrown to the outside and for Woods to use the ropes for leverage to land on Primo and allowing Big E to solely have his attention on Epico and preventing Primo from interfering and hitting the Midnight Hour for the win. Before they can start the chant going the Usos come out cut a promo and rag on each of the members of the New Day. We come back and get a Sami Zayn interview cut short by Baron beating the crap out of Zayn and telling him that Nakamura is the least of his worries as he leaves he says he will be at commentary now that he laid Zayn out backstage. Naomi comes into the office of Shane to say that she wants Lana at Money in the Bank and she wants her so bad that she will even put her title on the line so it's on Lana versus Naomi for the Women's Championship so will the first Miss Money in the Bank cash-in on the same night or will Lana be the new champion No she won't but we might see a cash in. Who do guys think will win the Money in the Bank ladder match?
                   Shinsuke Nakamura and Kevin Ownes the main event for Smackdown Live, does anyone else hate the pyro that is now in his entrance it just doesn't go maybe it's just me. Kevin Owens takes control after the Commercial break and gets a DDT but only gets a two count trying to slow down Nakamura's offense but each superstar getting blows before Shinsuke gets the upper hand taking Owen's to the corner for the knee strikes goes for the pin but only get a two count. Kevin Owens trying to fight his way back getting Nakamura to the top rope and tries to go for the super plex but Shinsuke fights back and is taken down by Kevin into a Cannonball. Kevin Owens caught by Shinsukeinto a reverse exploder and for the win hits a Kinshasa and for the third time he pins Kevin Owens. Baron gets up from the commentator's table and attacks Shinsuke Nakamura from behind and hits The End of Days before rolling out of the ring and going up the ramp proud of what he had done to Nakamura.  


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