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Who Attacked Big Cass?

I didn't post for Extreme Rules I watched it today in the morning and I was busy overall a good show there were some downs. Like the Women's match and the way some matches ended but the main event was good, I liked it. Though these days i prefer to watch SmackDown Live and watch Raw later nd even when i do watch it just falls flat for me especially in the Women's division but I am interested in the Cass storyline and how Corey Graves fits in there along with the Kurt Angle situation he is also involved in, Can't wait for The Revival to come back love them they are truly Top Guys, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder just waiting for the Tag Team Titles to be around their waist and for Matt Hardy to finally be BROKEN. This is what happened on Monday Night Raw after what took place at Extreme Rules Will WWE creative ever know what to do with Bayley? Who is up next for Alexa Bliss? Will the new Tag Champions be the cause of BROKEN Matt? Will he be joined by Brother NERO? Will they continue to devalue Bayley and will they ever drop this little girl gimmick they seem to have on Bayley? 

This Week on Monday Night Raw:

Bray Wyatt kicking off Raw with a match up against Vince's golden boy Roman Reigns, who interrupts Bray mid Promo when his name is spoken. Bray not sweating the presence of Roman who snatched the mic right off Wyatt's hand with the crowd clearly yelling Roman Sucks! and Let's go, Wyatt! Bray taking control of the match but seeing who he is up against that won't last long. Bray continuing to tear down Roman Reigns but Reigns of course still in this hits a Samoan drop but Wyatt kicks out on two, Bray sending Roman into the steel steps as he rolls to the outside to create space between himself and Bray. With a big right hand from Roman shifting the momentum of Bray Wyatt Roman in the corner about to go for a superman punch but Bray Wyatt distracted him momentarily with a bridge. Roman slips from the top rope and carries Bray Wyatt to the middle of the ring and delivers a powerbomb for a two count. Reigns miss the first superman punch but the second one got the jib done but the power of Bray didn't give in. Both men out of the ring as the referee starts his count, Wyatt knocking Reigns down hoping for a count out but just as the ref is about to count him out he makes it into the ring beating the count. AS he is trying to get to his feet Roman telling Bray you can't beat me and he is right you all see how he has been booked, he goes for another superman punch Wyatt turns it into a Sister Abigail but Roman goes for a roll up. Superman punch and spear to Bray Wyatt in the middle of the ring for yet another Roman Reigns victory this is why a prefer Smackdown every Roman Reigns match is predictable you know it won't hurt him if he loses right i don't understand they are like oh he is not over with fans let's book him to the moon he won't ever loose on a one on one that will get people to like him ugh so over it, they want the next  John Cena that fine nothing wrong with that but Cena did it organically and it took years for it to happen not all of a sudden like Roman get you shit together and stop being so stubborn. 
                         We open up with Charlie with Enzo Amore alongside Big Cass asking about Enzo' attacker and how that will affect their match later on Amore proceeds to hit on Charlie and make fun of Corey Graves hair before answering the questions. Big Cass again telling her that he finds it insulting that people would even consider him being responsible for the attacks on Enzo before saying he will watch his back at all times throughout Raw as he leaves the frame Enzo stays with Charlie again hitting on her as he notices that Big Cass is long gone he yells at him because of the miscommunication that happened just then. Back in the commentator's table, they check in with Graves to see what he thought about what was being said about him during the interview he said he rather stay out of their business and focus on what happened at Extreme Rules they show what happened during the Women's match. Kurt in his office trying to solve hi mystery problem when the Women's Champion Alexa Bliss rolls up and says she is done with Bayley and has everything ready for the this is my life segment but Angle takes her down from cloud 9 and informs her that her segment was the worst segment of Raw last week and I can't say we disagree look I love Alexa Bliss but god she couldn't even save that segment, the Old Day was better than that segment and that's saying a lot. Kurt Angle brings up whatAlexa Bliss told Nia Jax about giving her an opportunity at her Championship after she was done with Bayley well now that she is in fact done with Bayley Nia Jaz is waiting for her Championship match later on in the show. Alexa leaves the office of the GM with worry in her eye as she looks on to face Nia Jax in a Championship match later but you also see her trying to think of a plan to keep her title as Nia Jax is her biggest threat. 
               Elias Samson takes the ring for another one of his performance with people booing him as he continues on to bash Ambrose, he makes his way out to the ring and the commentators are on Corey Graves because he doesn't like Samson. Ambrose with a mic in hand drops it and begins to attack Elias Samson formerly known as the Drifter tossing out of the ring Dean making his way back in the ring calling out The Miz for a rematch from last night but the Miz doesn't come out no he is backstage getting ready for his ComeBack Tour as you see when he come on the jumbotron as that has Dean's attention Elias Samson gets him from behind and lays out Dean Ambrose. Ambrose angry about his attack from Samson runs into Kurt but Angle informs that he won't get the rematch because Maryse has been planning the Comeback Tour celebration and frankly he just doesn't want to deal with her and tells him to leave the building because he has the night off reluctant at first he agrees to leave. Samoa Joe The New # 1 Contender for the Universal Championship cuts a promo but he is interrupted by Paul Heyman who enters the ring as proceeding to tell Joe that he will bring the fight to Brock at Great Balls of Fire and that Lesner will take Joe down. Samoa Joe doesn't take long to bring Paul to the corner and tell him what is about to happen to him as Heyman shifts his head Joe brings it back telling him to look at him getting oohs from the crowd before locking him in the Coquina Clutch. As the clutch gets more intense some referees make their way to the ring to break the hold he does and makes his way to the back as the referees check in on Paul and take him to the back in the back Kurt is confronting Joe who has no problem with what he did to Paul Heyman as the two men are nose to nose Seth Rollins comes to face Joe saying that they have some unfinished business to take care of and Kurt settles it with a match later on the card.  
                      The New Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro go up against Heath Slater and Rhyno in a squash match with Sheamus pinning Heath Slater for the win as Cesaro held Rhyno back preventing a save and at the end of the match Sheamus and Cesaro cut a promo. TJP makes his way to the ring for his match Mustafa Ali and runs into the King of the Cruiserweights Neville and is waiting for Neville to hold up his end of their bargain. TJP taking it to Mustafa Ali and counter into a detonation kick for the win as he makes his way up the ramp Neville comes out to inform TJP that he will not get his opportunity as TJP makes his way to the back he's attacked from behind by Neville who tells him that his chance at the title will be on 205 Live. Goldust cuts another pretaped promo about the Golden Age as he quotes Gone with the Wind. Alexa Bliss makes her way to the Women's locker room with Mickie Jame and Dana Brooke commentating on Sasha Banks dance moves before Alexa can even form a sentence Sasha flips her hair in Bliss' face and says no as she exits the frame but before the other Women can exit Alexa tells them to just hear her out about what she called "their" Nia Jax problem they correct her in saying THEY don't have a Nia Jax problem Alexa has a Nia Jax problem and that they will be at ringside to see how she handles HER Nia Jax problem before they leave frame leaving Bliss in the locker room by herself with a worried look on her face. As they are talking about theWomen's division the Raw General Manager come to take Corey Graves to the side to further discuss his problem for the second week in a row as he is backstage an interviewer questions his problem and where he is headed but Kurt doesn't disclose any information about anything regarding the note. As the door closes a hand stops the door from closing and he makes his way back in the building Dean Ambrose back on Monday Night Raw and we head back to the ring for a match pitting Kalisto and Titus O'Neil up against each other. Tozawa looking on at the match because O'Neil told him to watch and when he won the match he would be at the curtain ready to join his brand but this match was not how he planned because in a pin attempt with the tights again Kalisto rolled him up for a pin with him now grabbing the tights for the win. We go backstage once again to see that the Miz and Maryse are making their way to the ring when they cut to Big Cass down on the ground beat up as a ref finds him and calls for help as he struggle to stand the refs tell Enzo to find a new partner as they don't think it's safe for Cass to compete and take to the trainer's room. 
                 With Maryse and a bear holding a sign that says Congratulations already in the ring, she introduces her husband The Miz to begin the celebration as the crowd chants you deserve it to which he responds it would mean so much more if you didn't chant it to everyone who wins a championship. The Miz thanking his wife for putting the celebration together and even getting him a dancing bear but Maryse didn't get him a bear both looking at each other in concern because neither one of them got the bear that is in the ring The Miz moving towards the bear give it a Star Crushing Finale thinking that it was Dean but once he reveals the person under the bear costume it was just some guy Miz looking at the man in a bear costume confused because he was sure that it was Ambrose now just throwing him out of the ring telling him that at least he was beaten up by a champion.  Just then a very tall gift makes his way to ringside and Miz again he thinks that it is Dean Ambrose but as he beats up this gift his wife Maryse continuously yells for him to stop and that she worked really hard on that gift and spend all year on it to give to him but he doesn't stop giving the gift an elbow drop.Once he finally stops and gets her gift out she says that she got him a grandfather clock because it's timeless just like him causing her to tell her husband he ruined her surprise and celebration thus causing her to push the mic onto him and walking away crying. Miz calling to his wife to come back and celebrate with him he gets back in the ring calling for Dean Ambrose to come down because he blames him for his behavior as its only Miz and the cameraman in the ring with his back turned the cameraman reveals himself to be Dean Ambrose. Ambrose giving The Miz Dirty Deeds before grabbing the champagne and leaving the ring once back from commercial you see Enzo making his way to the ring partner less and in the ring, you see The Club given the jobber entrance. Enzo makes his way inside the ring and introduces his 7-foot tag team partner The Big Show before the match starts there is a little banter between the Big Show and Enzo Amore before the show calls the club SAWFT! The match starts off with Enzo Amore and Luke Gallows taking Enzo down with a big Boot before tagging in Anderson, Enzo moves out of a bicycle kick and tags in Show. Show with the hot tag ramming down the Club then a backsplash, shoulder block and a chokeslam before tagging in Enzo Amore and doing Air Enzo for the win.   
                                      As Show and Enzo are discussing flavors they run into Big Cass who is suspecting that Big Show has something to do with his attack earlier in the night. R-Truth has a video production for us now. He drops a "You can't handle the truth!" and says the truth is, he's coming for Goldust. Alexa has an interview and says that the Women of the Raw brand are jealous of her and have no pride, she deserves better than how the division treat her. Nia rushes so she hits the ropes as Mickie James and Dana Brooke make their way to ringside. Nia gets a handful of hair and Bliss slaps her away Bliss gets on the back of Nia Jax for a sleeper hold but Jax just tosses her off. After attempting to give Nia a  boot he runs her over and Bliss makes her way to the outside to shove James and Brooke's causing both women to defend themselves thus Alexa winning by DQ. A frustrated Nia Jax to take out both women before getting her hands on Bliss taking her back in the ring Alexa tries to dropkick Jax but it does nothing Bliss leaves the ring now Nia focusing on Mickie James and Dana Brooke by hitting a Headbutt and a Samoan Drop before leaving the ring. Paul Heyman being attended by medics gets a phone call and its Brock, Heyman tells Lesner that he needs to come next week to instill the fear into Samoa Joe because he simply doesn't have it yet Paul thinks it's time to unleash the beast, Brock Lesner. 
                Now time for the main even Seth Rollins versus Samoa Joe, the match gets started with Joe throwing his towel in the face of Seth as he backs him into the corner. Joe delivers punches, knee strikes and rights to the side of the head Seth takes him down through the punches Joe slips out and is looking for the powerbomb. Rollins reverses it with a Frankensteiner he then starts throwing chops until Joe gives him a headbutt he dumps Rollins outside, Seth comes right back in, chops and forearms, off the ropes and Samoa Joe runs him over with a back elbow. Rollins thinking about a dive and Joe cuts him off with an enzuigiri He throws Seth into the barricade, kicks to the ribs, he rolls Rollins back inside and follows. Straight right, a left, knee lift, and a big chop in the corner sends Rollins stumbling. More jabs, a knee lift, Rollins back in with chops, a jawbreaker, he charges in, Samoa blocks a springboard by shaking the ropes and knocking him down. Back from commercial and Rollins is writhing in pain on the mat while Joe looks on. Seth is really reeling but he gets the bootup, hops on the second rope and Samoa yanks him down, introducing the back of his head to the turnbuckle on the way down. Samoa catches him with a Manhattan Drop, big boot, senton, only a near fall. Seated armbar, scraping the bone of his forearm across Seth's face, Rollins fights to his feet but Joe isn't letting go, even through a few punches. Breaking the hold and rolling sole butt off the ropes countered with a snap scoop power slam. Joe throwing chops in the corner, picking the leg but Seth is fighting with punches and gets an enzuigiri. Samoa rolls outside, Rollins hits a suicide dive. Back in, Sling Blade connects, and Joe bails again. The second dive connects just as well, back in, Joe eats a boot in the corner, takes the blockbuster, Rollins is on fire. Samoa outside again, another dive, still feeling it, back in, springboard lariat gets a near fall. Seth lies in wait, goes for the wristlock, takes a back elbow Rollins gets the Falcon Arrow, another near fall. Charging in, Joe picks him up, he reverses to a sunset flip for two, Avada Kedavra connects. Seth climbing, Joe ways away but then Bray's noise hits but he nowhere to be found but Joe takes full advantage with the blindside Samoa Joe wins by submission with the Coquina Clutch. Joe stands tall over Seth's fallen body while commentary hypes up his confrontation with Lesnar next week.


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