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SAni†Y Found Their Match

  This what happened on NXT this week hope you enjoy and please subscribe if you are not so you don't miss out when I post and comment down below what you think and any suggestions you have on what posts I should do or even shows I should cover thank you for reading also don't forget to also share my posts.       This Week on NXT:      

    Tommaso Ciampa in crutches comes into the ring to explain his actions from TakeOver where he betrayed his former partner Johnny Gargano. He calls Johnny out to the ring, the camera pans to the ramp knowing he is not going to show up at NXT this week, Ciampa carries on about the injury he had prior to TakeOver: Chicago saying everyone had questions about his ability to compete that night but he didn't have a doubt in his mind that he was going to be there and fight with his partner. Ciampa continues to talk about how after his injury people wanted to replace him and that he knew that when push came to shove Garganio would replace him just like the fans did. At Takeover: Chicago he knew what he had to do if he couldn't compete he sure as hell didn't want Gargano to so he did what he needed to do. TakeOver: Chicago was Not #DIY's moment no it was HIS moment and that when he returns he will be the most dangerous son of a bitch NXT has ever seen with mixed reactions from the crowd some clapping and others booing. Still no medical update from Johnny Gargano and that he will not speak to anyone after what happened at NXT TakeOver: Chicago, as for Tommaso Ciampa will need major knee surgery.  The first match of the night Danny Burch up against the New United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne. Dunne giving it to Burch but Danny not taking any of Pete Dunne's crap and giving him some right back both men exchange some blows picking up the pace in the match. Burch catches Dunne midair going for the cross face but the Bruiserweight makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold then Dunne with a big right hand knocking out Burch and going to work on his opponent. Danny Burch trying to gain momentum but Pete stopping it for a short moment before being kicked in the corner and punched by Burch but Dunne kicking out in Danny's pin attempt. Headbutt by Burch yet he is still not able to put the Champion down Pete goes for a DDT and a kick in the corner before hitting an Explex. Dunne tries to hit the Bitter End but is countered into a cross face which Pete counter into a pin attempt only getting a two count he then kicks Burch again before using the ropes to propel himself but is caught by a clothesline. Both men out on the mat before Burch can get to his feet Dunne rolls to the apron as Danny make his way towards him he hits in the jaw but he is caught in the air by Burch who grabs Pete and sets him up on the top rope for a draping DDT but only gets a two count. Danny Burch in the corner waiting for Dunne to be in the right position for a knee but Pete delivers a German suplex into the turnbuckles before hitting Bitter's End for the win.
                                At the end of the match The Bruiserweight Pete Dunne Cuts a promo, Now the United Kingdom division found its rightful owner in Pete Dunne. The Velveteen Dream not happy with the ambiance at Full Sail University, Andrade "Cein" Almas in a match up next, Almas with a dropkick once the bell ring taking down the much bigger opponent. Double knees in the corner and giving him chops not giving his opponent a chance to get any offense, Almas bringing his A game to his opponent Cezar Bononi slapping him around getting ready to put him away but Bononi counters into a small package for the win making his way up the ramp and a furious Andrade brings a chair banging it on the mat in anger now making his way up the ramp not caring anymore almost brushing off the loss. To be fare i thought that this was going to be a squash match for Andrade "Cein" Almas i was surprised that Cezar Bononi who got the jobber entrance won the match. We come back to see the Iconic Duo at the performance center thinking about making some changes incomes in Ember Moon and the Duo bring up how is she wasn't injured they would beat her up and also bring up the Eclipse before a crew member tell Ember Moon to sign a medical release form shutting up the Iconic Duo before Ember smirks telling them she will see them soon as they shortly demand the camera crew to stop filming. In two week Asuka will again defend her championship in a triple threat elimination match. They replay what happened after Hideo Itami lost to Bobby Roode destroying the locker room while Kassius Ohno tried to reason with him but was not able to calm down Itami, they also show that earlier that day the made up showing no hard feelings toward each other maybe it was just me but I swear someone was going to attack the other one but nothing happened.
                      The Main Event's own SAni†Y's own Alexander Wolfe and Eric Young being accompanied by Killian Dain versus Rodrick Strong and Kassius Ohno, Strong not wasting anytime on Young, Eric making sure he returns the favor to Rodrick both men countering each other moves both getting in offense before Young making his way to the ropes stopping the attack of Strong also being able to tag in Alexander Wolfe. Alexander goes all in but his drop kicked by Strong and tags in Kassius Ohno while keeping the attack on Wolfe both men working on Alexander Wolfe before Ohno drops Wolfe in the middle of the ring but Alexander able to fight back and tag in Eric Young straight away. Young gone to work on Ohno  but Kassius stops Eric Young in his tracks for a short time before Eric sends him to the apron but before he can capitalize he gets a big boot from Ohno, Wolfe tries to get Kassius but is knocked out by Ohno and Killian Dain sweeps his feet making him go face first on the apron and now the numbers game comes into play in the match.  Eric Young tossing Kassius to the outside near Killian Dain as the ref turns his attention to Rodrick Strong who was trying to make his way into the ring he gives Dain the opportunity to give a right hand to Kassius Ohno. SAni†Y has done a good job cutting the ring in half preventing a tag from being made Ohno trying to fight back but not able to get to his partner, Young and Wolfe making frequent tags but still not being able to keep Ohno down for the three count. Ohno trying to fight back but again is being cut off by Alexander and Eric as they continue to keep him in their corner breaking him down but he manages to kick Young to his corner and Wolfe making the tag going for an elbow but Ohno moves out of the way trying to reach his partner Rodrick Strong. Strong finally being tagged in be bring the fight to Wolfe now on the apron kicking Wolfe and also Young who is also on the apron and bringing him down to the apron back first before getting back in the ring to give a running knee to Wolfe in the corner only to get a two count because Wolfe gets his foot on the bottom rope. Wolfe stumbling his way to his corner allowing Young to tag himself in and hit a neck breaker to an unaware Strong who still has Alexander Wolfe in his grasp but only gets a two count before calling Wolfe in the ring to deliver a big boot to Strong. Kassius Ohno makes the save giving Wolfe the big boot instead now Eric Young kicking Ohno who rolls out of the ring Young once again grabbing Rodrick now calling for Killian Dain who is not part of the match up but before he can enter the ring No Way Jose runs down the ramp to attack Dain thus preventing the attack on Strong. Wolfe and Ohno back in the ring before Kassius delivers a rolling elbow and Strong able to get out of Young's hold and goes for the End of Heartache for the win. No Way Jose, Rodrick Strong, and Kassius Ohno stand tall up the ramp looking at  SAni†Y in the ring now the question who can stop SAni†Y has been answered as these three men celebrate their victory.


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