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Styles Clash and Burned

                 This what happened at WWE BackLash hope you enjoy and please subscribe if you are not so you don't miss out when I post and comment down below what you think and any suggestions you have on what posts I should do or even shows I should cover thank you for reading also don't forget to also share my posts.     

                     To start the pay-per-view was the debut match of the King of StrongStyle Shinsuke Nakamura versus Dolph Ziggler. The crowd singing his entrance theme the only one seemingly not interested was Dolph, both men in this match have something to prove. Ziggler focusing on Shinsuke's left arm but it's countered by Nakamura how is also turning his attention to Dolph's arm but Ziggler goes for the ropes forcing the break for Shinsuke. As Dolph turns around he is met by the taunting of Nakamura and Shinsuke goes to work on Dolph not wasting any time on his attack. Ziggler rolls out to the outside and before Nakamura can make it fully back in the ring he get a hold of Shinsuke and delivers a neck breaker.Dolph Ziggler starts to gain momentum but he took to much time with his trash talking and as he was going to throw Nakamura into the ropes he was countered by Shinsuke into a knee to the midsection and a dropkick. Both men starting to get up and start exchanging blows but Nakamura starts to take control of the match and lifts Ziggler to the top rope and gives him another knee to the midsection. Dolph goes for a rollup but Shinsuke but Nakamura turns it into a triangle hold but is stopped but the foot in the ropes. Ziggler countered mid-air and turns it into a DDT, Nakamura with another knee and about to go for the Kinshasa. Ziggler to his feet going for the sweet chin music but is countered by Shinsuke but is reversed into a Zig-Zag. Nakamura turning the tables on Ziggler but Dolph gives Shinsuke a super kick from behind of the neck.Dolph Ziggler spitting in the face of Shinsuke Nakamura but that only angers the King and continues his knee strikes to Dolph. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa again but is reversed by Ziggler into a super kick but that is countered as well and goes for the collider now in the corner and the third time is a charm with the Kinshasa and gets the win.

                             Tyler Breeze still in disguise as a janitor from last Tuesday and mops his way down and once he is on the apron he continues his mopping on the apron Fandango tags in Breeze who is still mopping and using the mop as a weapon toward the USOS during the match but Jey is tagged in as well and deals with the absurdity of the mop for example being hit with mop and trip by the mop as well. Jey knocks down Breeze and breaks the mop in half while receiving BOOs from the crowd who were previously chanting for the mop. Focusing back to Breeze who is till down on the mat goes to the top rope but Breeze rolls to the other side so Jey goes to the other turnbuckle but Breeze does this again and again. A frustrated Jey goes to pick up Breeze but is met with a superkick and makes a tag to Fandango but Jey flips the momentum by knocking Breeze out onto the outside and drags Fandango to his corner and tags in Jimmy. While Breeze is knocked out well so it seemed as he comes back up to the apron he is displaying another disguise. An old lady Breeze is tagged in and helped in the ring by Fandango while the Usos look on kicking "her" cane off and gloating but once he turns his attention back he is met with a dropkick by grandma Breeze. Jey comes in the ring but grandma raises her dress up causing Jey to look away but giving grandma Breeze another opportunity for a dropkick. Grandma Breeze paying homage to the one and only Mae Young but is dropkicked while celebrating and now Jimmy is on the attack. Tyler Breeze moves out of the way causing Jimmy to hit his head on the steel post both men make their way to their corner and tag in their partners. Fandango and Jey with Fandango getting the momentum and Jey now hitting his head in the turnbuckle and now Tyler Breeze in the ring with Jey and getting some offense in before Jey tagged in Jimmy. Jimmy putting Breeze on the top rope but Breeze makes his way down but Jey is behind him and is about to super kick Breeze well that was the plan anyway but hit his brother instead knocking him down from the ropes and allowing Breeze a pin but it just wasn't enough. Fandango gets tagged in and makes his way to the apron noticing that the Usos are just below him he goes their way but is caught and thrown over the barricade and into the front row. Fandango hit the suicide dive on the Usos and goes to the top rope but his feet is being held by Jimmy which allowed his brother, Jey to superkick Fandango on the top rope thus causing the Usos to retain their tag team championships.

          Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin's match starts off a little slow with both men getting some offense but not a whole lot up it does start to pick up the pace when Sami gets thrown towards the ropes and hangs on and jumps back before Corbin can do any damage. Baron rolls to the outside to regroup but Sami has a suicide dive planned but Corbin sees it and moves out of the way before Zayn can execute he sees the Baron moved and jumps on the top rope and backflips back into the ring. As Corbin gets back in the ring he gets some offense in and starts to gain momentum and within this time it seems that he hurt Sami Zayn's lower back because when Zayn delivers a dropkick to Baron sending him outside you see Sami in the ring in pain and holding his lower back. Making his way to the outside being tossed toward the barricade but he lands on top and backflips into Corbin. Both men back in the ring and Sami slowing down his offense which allows Baron to gain momentum and turning his attention to the lower back of Sami Zayn. Baron getting Zayn into a bear hug twice and each time the hold being broken by elbows to the face by Sami. Corbin gets send to the outside giving Zayn a little bit of breathing time but Sami makes his way to the top rope but Baron makes his way to the outside and power slams Sami, telling him to stay down as the crowd chants to encourage him. Sami turning it around with a clothesline as he throws Corbin to the outside but Baron quickly slides back in not giving Zayn the breathing room he needed. Corbin dominating Sami but he is just not able to keep Zayn down for the three count as he continues to fight back on the top rope Sami goes for a sunset powerbomb but isn't able to keep Baron down for long and goes for a DDT but is countered but then it is reversed again by Sami but he is just not able to pick up Baron Corbin. The frustration of Baron Corbin because he is just not able to keep him down and goes for Zayn who is near the ropes using them to stay standing but he moves out of the way sending him to the outside but he quickly gets back in but he is met with a boot from Sami Zayn as he sets him up for the Helluva Kick for the win.

          The Singh Brothers open the trunk of their car and take out a carpet laying it down in front of the limo behind then opening the door for Jinder Mahal and an interview comes to his side but before she can speak she brings the mic to is mouth as he cuts a promo. James Ellsworth comes out first and introduces his homegirl the Princess of Staten Island Carmella and lifts the bottom rope for her to enter the ring. The rest of The Welcoming Committee comes out. Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and the SmackDown's Women's Champion Naomi each make their entrance starting the match off was Tamina and Becky Lynch but Tamina's power just could let Becky do a roll-up dragging Lynch to her corner tagging in Natalya while also giving Becky the opportunity to get some offense in before tagging in Charlotte. A distraction from Carmella causing the Welcoming Committee to take advantage and get Charlotte in their corner each taking their time on the attack and tagging in and out between all three. Carmella being the one to take Charlotte out of the corner and into the middle of the ring continuing the attack Charlotte trying to make it to her corner for the tag being stopped by Carmell but just not being able to keep Charlotte from getting their making the tag to Naomi. Carmella unable to get in any offense as Naomi makes her way to the top rope Tamina comes in to prevent Naomi from executing the move on Carmella but is given a kick from the champ. Carmella takes this opportunity to regroup and take on Naomi again. Tamina tagged being dominate and tagging in Carmella getting some offense before tagging in Natalya. Nattie continuing the dominance of The Welcoming Committee and even knocking down Charlotte off the apron before turning back to Naomi. Tamina tagging herself in but being kicked by Naomi desperately trying to get back to her corner but Becky Lynch is dropped by Carmella onto the outside preventing the tag. Natalya back in the ring and getting some offense in before Naomi ducks her attack and tags in Becky Lynch. Lynch knocking down Natalya and going to Tamina and knocking her down to, turning it around for her team making her way up to the top turnbuckle but jumps off due to Tamina coming her way and hits Tamina in the midsection take her to the outside once again and turning her attention back to Natalya. Nattie quickly dropping her her about to go for the sharpshooter but is reversed into a dis-arm-her before she can tap Carmella breaks it up. Charlotte Coming in and throwing her to the outside then Tamina comes in and gives her a super kick than before Naomi can fully get in the ring she goes after her. Tamina is left standing, going to her corner as she is not the legal person in the match. Becky first one to her feet and rolls up Natalya but Tamina comes in and is about to super kick Becky but is reversed and is taken down by Becky. Nattie takes advantage of the situation and quickly sets and locks in the sharpshooter for the win. The Welcoming Committee quickly making their way up the ramp leaving Becky, Charlotte, and Naomi in the ring looking at them furious at their loss.

              Starting the match for the United States Championship Aj Styles and Kevin Owens exchanging blows but before Aj can dropkick Owens he rolls out of the ring causing Kevin to gain momentum. Kevin Owens trying to wear out Styles but is not able to pick up the win yet. A kick from Aj Styles buying him some time and starts to gain momentum and continuing the offense not letting Kevin breathe. Both men exchanging blows but Styles ultimately getting the upper hand goes for the Styles Clash but is countered by Owens.  The power of Kevin just too much for Aj not being able to lift him up once again allowing Owens to throw Styles who is holding to the ropes about to hit but Kevin Owens moves out of the way and super kicking Aj Styles and into a neck breaker. Going for a pop-up powerbomb but is delayed by Styles but Kevin Owens uses the top rope before he can go for the pin he rolls out Kevin goes to the top rope but Aj goes and flips Owens into a Styles Clash. However, Kevin ducks out onto the outside and slams the right leg of Aj Styles into the post and throws him into the steel steps.  Kevin Owens continues to target the right leg of Styles in the ring and going into a crab and then into an ankle lock but breaks it as Aj grabs the bottom rope. Aj reverses Owens on the top rope into a power slam, Styles going for the Phenomenal Forearm but his right leg gave out giving Owens the opportunity.  Kevin repeatedly slapping Aj yelling at him that he is the new face of America but is kicked by Aj creating some space for Styles. Taking Owens to the top rope but is countered yet is not able to get the three count rolling to the apron as Kevin is on the top rope and suplexes Owens on the apron and both men on the outside and Kevin launches Styles into the time keeper's area both men still down and on the outside Aj Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm. and goes on top of the announcer's desk for the Styles Clash but Kevin Owens move out and gets Aj's leg caught in one of the desks opening as he rolls into the ring beating the ten count and winning the match. Aj's leg is caught on the desks wires once out Kevin Owens goes to the outside and super kicks Aj Styles in the back of the neck referees helping him to the back.

          Erick Rowan requested this match and was granted the match toward Luke Harper, the match starting to favor Rowan after throwing Luke Harper to the outside and hitting the steel steps early on. Erick on the top rope and midair Luke Harper rolls out of the way making this a turning point and shifting the momentum as Erick moves closer to his sheep mask Luke gets in his way. Rowan rolls out of the ring leaving Harper alone but Luke makes his way onto the outside and slams Erick Rowan onto the barricade and rolls back in the ring breaking the count. Luke Harper inside the ring looking on to Erick Rowan and hits a suicide dive tossing Rowan in the ring into a senton and a pin attempt.  Rowan getting some offense in, Harper and Rowan exchanging blows two superkicks from Harper and each time Erick Rowan reaching for his sheep mask almost like the mask is is the source of power but when he turned around he got a clothesline from Harper for the win.

                  Now time for the main event of BackLash Jinder Mahal versus Randy Orton the match starts off with Randy not wasting time and starts the attack before the match can even begin. Taking the attack to the outside and dragging him inside the ring where the ref tells Randy to back off and stay in the corner while Jinder gets his composer and lets the bell ring. Randy Orton still with the upper hand going for an RKO but Jinder moves out the way but it doesn't slow down. Jinder rolls to the outside but Randy goes right after him but Jinder throws Randy into the LED board shoulder first and rolling Orton in the ring into a submission hold focusing on the shoulder. Mahal focusing all his attention to the shoulder of Randy Orton the momentum doesn't last long because Randy both men testing each other's strength as Mahal goes back to the shoulder. On the outside Orton puts him through the announcer's table now on the inside Jinder gains the upper hand on Randy as he continues his attention on the shoulder of Randy Orton, Jinder goes through the steel post hurting his shoulder and buy Orton some breathing time. A super plex from the top rope taking out both men, now exchanging blow but Randy taking charge jinder creating some offense and still his major focus is on Randy's  shoulder but just couldn't take him out. Randy goes for an elevated DDT from the middle rope setting up for the RKO but Jinder rolls out of the ring near the Singh Brother so Randy comes their way while Jinder starts getting up the Sigh Brother buy him some time and are yelling at Randy who slaps one and throws the other into the barricade before doing the same to the other brother. This distraction causes Jinder to push Randy Orton into the steel post shoulder first two times in a row and tossing him in the ring but once in the ring an RKO is waiting and before Orton can go for the pin  Jinder is dragged out by the Singh brothers. Randy Orton turns his attention to the Singh brothers and throws them onto the announcer's desk and drags one to the ring for an elevated DDT and the other one comes in to save him but is kicked in the midsection and setup for an elevated DDT alongside his brother. Before Randy Orton can turn around Mahal comes from behind into the ring and delivers Khallas for the win and becomes the New WWE Champion.  





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