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Seth Speared into Sunday

              Monday Night Raw kicks off with Miz TV, Miz starts to vent about the match he has against Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Championship. You can see on both the faces of Miz and Maryse that they are having fun playing the characters. He announces his guest Sheamus and Cesaro who at Extreme Rules are up against the Tag Team Champions The Hardy Boyz. Miz continues to say tat he is the one who elevated the Intercontinental championship and that Dean flushed what Miz accomplished down the drain because he made the intercontinental championship worth down but Miz will bring it prestige back when he wins it at Extreme Rules. Three men and Maryse in the ring and then Dean's music hits he makes his way down the ramp with a mic in his back pocket once near the ring he gets the crowd wounded up and begins to talk about himself and his decision-making skills which are none but Miz interrupts him saying the fight is going to be three on one he proceeds to call Ambrose crazy and stupid. Dean proceeds saying you can call him crazy but stupid is something he is just not then The Hardy Boyz music hits all three men slide into the ring but before the attack can begin The Miz slides out of the ring with Maryse leaving Sheamus and Cesaro high and dry. Once back from commercial we get a six man tag match. Matt gets tagged in by Jeff as he continues to work on Cesaro's arm but he goes to Sheamus and knocks him off the apron for trying to get involved in the match thus allowing Cesaro to make the tag to Miz. Sheamus now in the ring with Matt trying to soften his opponent this Sunday tagging in Cesaro still going after mat and giving Jeff the boot but also allowing Matt to get the tag on Dean. Ambrose bringing it to Cesaro countering his move set but Sheamus tagging himself in going after Dean but Ambrose catches on quickly tossing Sheamus to the outside thinking about going for the suicide dive but his legs are caught by Cesaro soon after Jeff does a baseball slide toward Cesaro. Miz distracting Dean while on the top rope thus letting Sheamus take advantage giving Ambrose a high knee. This turning in the favor of Sheamus and Cesaro's team Dean still in the game not letting get the win Miz trying to help his team by taking out Dean's team before making it to his corner. Jeff gets the tag and goes for the twist of fate but is pushed into the turnbuckles making a tag to Matt, Sheamus breaks up the pin and Jeff goes after him with a twist of fate getting an uppercut from Cesaro then Dean with Dirty Deeds followed by a suicide dive to the outside. Matt with a twist of fat in the ring followed by a Swanton Bomb by Jeff. Now the question remains are the Hardy Boyz losing their championships? Is Dean Losing his? They stood tall at the end of their match which implicates that this Sunday they will lose if you follow the strange pattern the WWE has had.
                           Corey Graves looking down at his phone in concern while Booker T and Micheal Cole were talking about Extreme Rules both me waiting for Graves to respond to their question but all Corey does is excuse himself and goes backstage to look for Kurt Angle showing him what is on his phone. Kurt speechless on what he saw about himself on Graves phone saying that this information if true can ruin him. What was on the phone? What can ruin him ? will it come out soon? is it that bad? What do you think it is?
Elias Samson in the center of the ring sitting on a stool with a guitar in hand. This week Elias is fighting a jobber after he sang another one of his sad songs and still only using the same chords. Samson winning his second match on the main roster will he continue to dominate if so who will stop him? Corey Graves makes his way back to the commentating table not wanting to talk about what happened earlier.  Joe looking at Finn Balor footage before an interview with Charlie you see Joe's eye roll. Joe talks about both of his opponents later on just as he talks bout Bray you see him in a dark room cutting a promo on Joe who is looking at the TV seeing Bray cut his promo. Up next one of the main events well that's what they say but honestly it's not the actual main event was, of course, Roman Reigns versus Seth Rollins, Finn made his way to the ring for his triple threat match against Bray Wyatt and Samoa Joe next. Bray rolling out of the ring letting both Joe and Finn start the match as Wyatt stays outside to enjoy the match the two are putting on. Finn sliding Joe to the outside allowing him to bring in the ring Bray as Finn stands behind The Eater of Worlds. Joe getting a break looking on at Balor just as he goes for the pin Joe breaks it up not allowing Balor the victory Joe giving Finn multiple knees then throwing him to the outside. Joe about to begin his attack on Bray but Balor is back in the ring Bray now tossing Finn out again he makes his way to the ring now his focus on Wyatt and Joe. Both Joe and Bray taking turns on Finn now Bray positioned for Sister Abigail for Finn Balor but is caught from behind into a coquina clutch by Samoa Joe cut short by Finn who is still not out of the game trying to build momentum not only for the match but for the match this Sunday. Throughout the match, both men taking turns bring the pain to Balor the alliance throughout this match has been great with both men who want to take out Finn yet he is able to get little offense before being knocked down by one of the men whether it's Joe or Bray. The alliance is out of convenience but once the damage is done Bray turns on Joe wanting to capitalize on what both men have been doing to Balor in the match but the resilience of Finn able to give an overhead kick but runs into a clothesline from Joe. Finn taking the fight from both men to the outside attacking both men before tossing Joe in the ring but getting a coquina clutch but Balor breaking the hold and stomping on Joe before Sister Abigail comes crawling back but again getting a double stomp from Finn. Joe and Bray in the ring but Joe is taken aback by Bray, he creeps up again with a sister Abigail but Joe is out meanwhile Finn is on the top rope. Slingblade and dropkick followed by a coup de grace by Finn about to go for the pin but Joe tossing Balor out and stealing the victory from Finn. Joe standing tall while Finn and Bray are out again going back to the first match is Joe winning? he is standing tall which due to the past means that he is not winning this Sunday but might that not be the case for this Sunday or will it? Seth Rollins interview about his match against Roman Reigns.
                                  They are again teasing a tag team match with Sasha Banks and Rick Swan versus Alicia Fox and Noam Dar now is it this Sunday yes. yes, it is. Rick Swan and Noam Dar going at it both men being accompanied by their partners for this Sunday. Noam Dar getting the best of Rick Swan throughout the match but after Swan gives Dar an elbow he shifts the momentum. Heading to the top rope Fox trying to distract the ref Sasha comes her way and plants her face first to the mat and pushing her toward the ringside letting Swan get the pin. Corey points out that this Sunday will be Rick Swan's homecoming which again can only mean that Sasha and Rick won't win and that the rivalry will continue between the four competitors. Dancing in the ring Rick Swan egging on Sasha to dance with synchronicity in the ring before Swan hits the man splits while Banks dances around him saying she can't do that. Last week they were seen in the background in a Sasha Banks interview This week they are being interviewed its The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder back on camera Charlie bring up the attack on Enzo Amore and the Sasha Banks interview that raised some questions but The Top Guys  they quickly say that they have been at all the RAw's since Dash's injury they have just been doing Top Guy things and compare Enzo to a tilapia then call him a bottom feeder saying that they are not going to waste their time on Amore and neither should anyone else as The Top Guys make their way out. The commentators again bring up video of Enzo Amore Corey makes a comment about Big Cass seeing the video he dismisses both Booker and Cole trying to find out what he meant by it but he won't budge. Cutting back the commentators after showing the street fight that happened on 205 Live Big Cass confronts Corey Graves about his comment say that Cass had something to do with Enzo's attack before he leaves Cass and Corey shake hands but this will not be forgotten by both men Graves left looking concerned. Kalisto up against Titus O'Neil trying to show Apollo Crews what he needed to do last week when he was up against Kalisto and using his height advantage also using the tights against him and picking up the win.
                      Alexa Bliss Presents Bayley this is your life showing dolls she's played with and awards she won even her yearbook with three people standing in the rings that are from her past including her fourth-grade teacher. Alexa interviews all three people in Bayley's life her teacher, former best friend and her former boyfriend. Then when her "former friend" started getting google eyes for the "former boyfriend" it was obvious that he was going to say that he used Bayley to get close to her. Bayley's had enough of Alexa's crap and slides in the ring attacking Bliss and looking up to see the Kendo stick hanging heading up to get it but Bliss stops her in her tracks and reveals that a stick was under the table and using it on Bayley Alexa standing tall but will she this Sunday against Bayley with the Women's championship on the line. Another attack on Enzo Big Cass blaming the Revival for what happened to Enzo, Kurt trying to keep Cass calm but he is concerned for his friend Enzo looking helpless for the second week in a row Cruiserweight tag team action next. Gentleman Jack and Austin Aries versus TJP and Neville, Neville was taken aback from the tactics of Gentleman Jack Neville taking the momentum back to his team during the commercial break. TJP continuing his attack on  Gentleman Jack before Jack gives TJP a headbutt and goes for the tag to Austin Aries. A double bringing his A game to the match now on the top rope but missing the drop kick now off the second rope Neville but he misses as well now Aries going for the Last Chancery making The King of the Cruiserweight tap out and picking up the win. At Extreme Rules will Neville have HIS Last Chance. Neville stopped by Charlie asking him if he is concerned about Aries beating him again by submission since this was the first time Neville has lost a match by submission since joining the Cruiserweight. Clip from two weeks ago when Goldust attacked RTruth, Goldust back in the director's chair cuts a promo RTruth in the same set up as Goldust except with his own style cuts a promo.
                     It's Rollins versus Reigns next, tomorrow night Sasha Banks makes her way to 205 Live before heading to Extreme Rules. Roman rolls out of the ring after a standing moon sault from Rollins and makes his way back into the ring taking his time not rushing to get back and making Seth wait in the ring. Roman hitting Seth into the steel post rib first now concentrating his attack on the ribs Seth kicking Roman before the superman punch Reigns stumbling on the outside and Rollins taking it to the outside before rolling back in the ring. During Commercial Break Roman began to take control again still concentrating on the ribs of Rollins beating him down going for the Superman punch but Seth kicks Reigns in the midsection before hitting a sling blade. Down goes Reigns with a suicide dive Seth rolling in Roman into the ring before making his way inside the ring Reigns hits Seth with a superman punch but only gets a two count. Seth goes fro two pin attempts but both only get a two count, Rollins selling the rib injury throughout the match counters Reigns and carries him to the other side into the turnbuckle but of course Roman can't just go down like everybody else because he is so beloved by Vince he has to throw a superman punch before he goes down. Seth rolling out of the ring near the ramp and Roman sitting on the apron before running like a bull towards Seth only for Rollins to move out of the way causing Reign to hit the steel steps. Seth not able to put Roman Reigns down what a shocker couldn't believe it Seth going for the third time and rolling out because Roman moved again he is going for the Superman punch Seth counters it ultimately Roman Reigns wins with a spear what a surprise that he won. Not shocked he won the match. Not shocked he ended the show standing tall. But I am shocked he didn't open the show since we see way too much of him.


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