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This what happened on NXT TakeOver: Chicago hope you enjoy and please subscribe if you are not so you don't miss out when I post and comment down below what you think and any suggestions you have on what posts I should do or even shows I should cover thank you for reading also don't forget to also share my posts.   

 This Happened at NXT TakeOver: Chicago:                 

SAni†Y minus Nikki Cross due to her competing later on for the NXT Women's Champion comes out first. Rodrick Strong doesn't come from down the ramp he comes in through the crowd and attacks Alexander Wolfe and Killian Daine before entering the ring to face Eric Young. Rodrick strong starting the match off with great momentum and continues to take out Eric Young. Wolfe and Daine regroup and Eric Young start to gain some momentum but it's not enough because Rodrick Strong anger and aggression towards Eric Young and the Chicago crowd were keeping his focus on the right track. Eric young uses his athleticism to move to the outer part of the ring but Rodrick Strong still managed to get to Eric Young and while Alexander Wolfe was checking on Eric Young Rodrick Strong also took out Alexander Wolfe. Now on the outside of the ring, Killian Daine goes to attack Rodrick Strong but Strong ducks and turns back to Eric Young and before he can fully turn his attention to Killian Daine. Daine seemingly runs over Rodrick Strong while the referee's attention is on Eric Young who is in the ring which allows Young to collect himself. Eric Young now focused and now making Rodrick Strong pay and taking him to the ropes, Alexander Wolfe giving Rodrick Strong the Big Boot meanwhile Eric Young has the referees attention.Eric Young not giving Rodrick time to breathe but once Rodrick was given a little bit of room he started to gain some momentum, Young rolls out of the ring following Rodrick Strong's pin attempt but Strong follows but is met with the Wheelbarrel neck breaker. Young going for another Wheelbarrel neck breaker but is reversed then kicked twice by Strong Killian Daine the goes for Strong but is also kicked and then Alexander Wolfe goes for the save as well but Rodrick Strong throws Eric Young at him and knocks him onto the outside.Rodrick has Eric Young in trouble but then it looks like Young hit Strong in the eye, Both men on the top rope until Rodrick Strong give Eric Young a jumping knee strike onto Killian Daine and Alexander Wolfe on the outside. Strong gives Eric Young another knee to the face and then hits the double knee backbreaker for the win. Rodrick Strong rolls out of the ring to escape the raft of SAni†Y. 

                  Jim Ross makes his way to the commentator's table with Nigel McGuiness to do commentary for the United Kingdom Championship match. Pete Dunne comes soon after and then the United Kingdom Champion Tyler Bate, Pete Dunne soon takes charge of Bate, Pete makes his way to the outside before Tyler can get in some offense Bate goes to the outside but is met with the fist of one Pete Dunne.Dunne continues his attack on Tyler Bate but before he can stomp on the hand of Bate he removes his hand and hits Pete across the face, Tyler gets Pete inside the ring and breaks the count but Dunne immediately rolls out onto the other side. Tyler goes after Dunne. Pete Dunne gives a release suplex on the apron which causes Dunne to regain his momentum in the match, Bate being hit in the head repeatedly by Pete Dunne and Tyler getting angry and once he had his balance back he suplexed Dunne. Pete trying to stop Tyler Bate in his tracks of uppercuts, Dunne countered but doesn't execute his move now tyler on his feet and another suplex to Dunne and a pin attempt. Tyler in the corner getting ready for another move but caught by Pete Dunne and turned into a triangle hold and throwing fists at Tyler. Bate lifting Pete Dunne showcasing his strength while still in the triangle angle and goes for an airplane spin and then goes for the pin.Both men down after the airplane spin Tyler to his feet first and grabs Pete for a suplex but Dunne lands on his feet, Tyler on the second rope and jumps toward Pete Dunne but is met with a forearm and then gives Tyler Bate a powerbomb but only gets a two count. On the mat, both are down but start throwing punches both men countering every move the others got and not backing down from each other. The Chicago crowd as loud as ever and chanting throughout the match  FIGHT FOREVER!,GO TYLER!, BRUZERWEIGHT!, HOLY SHIT! and UK!. Tyler goes for the Tyler Driver '97  but is too weak and Dunne goes for Bitter End but is countered by a DDT. Bate takes advantage, hits a Moonsault and inside the ring hits a corkscrew Moonsault but only gets a two count. He goes after Pete Dunne on the outside as he goes for another suicide dive but Pete Dunne hits him with a forearm and makes his way to the ring. Once in inside Pete Dunne hits Bitter End and becomes the NEW United Kingdom Champion just like he said he would. 

        Next the triple threat match for the NXT Women's Championship which includes Ruby Riot, Nikki Cross representing SAni†Y, and the Champ Asuka. Before the match begins Nikki Cross starts to throw her jacket around and throws it right at Ruby Riot and attacks her before turning her attention to Asuka. The beginning of the match is just Nikki Cross and Asuka with Ruby on the outside, Cross tries to get Asuka to bump Ruby Riot from getting on the apron but instead is thrown to the outside by Asuka. Now the standoff is between Riot andAsuka both women showing their raw power and Ruby is thrown into the corner as Asuka makes her way Ruby flips Asuka onto the apron and kicks her to the outside. Ruby Riot goes for a suicide dive but Nikki Cross knocks down Riot who is now on the outside Nikki keeps her attention to Ruby, all three women now on the outside Nikki Cross tosses Ruby Riot to the steel step but she uses the steel steps to give Asuka a forearm. Nikki Cross goes back to attacking Ruby, Nikki is the only one standing at this point, back in the ring is Nikki Cross and Ruby Riot, Cross goes for a neck breaker on Ruby as this is happening Asuka is making her way to the top rope and when Nikki turned around she received a drop kick. Ruby Riot rolled out of the ring now the fight is between Asuka and Nikki Cross in the ring both getting some offense in before Asuka getting the upper hand. As Nikki gets herself to the outside of the ring Ruby makes her way to into the ring, Asuka gives Riot a powerbomb which she transitions into an ankle lock which interrupted by Cross. Asuka does get back a Cross and now on the apron and Ruby with the pin attempt on Asuka is hit by Cross and now Asuka is on the outside leaving Cross and Riot in the ring. Ruby gaining momentum but is interrupted by Asuka who is now in the ring with both women but Ruby Riot give ASUKA a Heidi-Can-Rana and then turns her attention to Nikki Cross. Nikki's face is planted into the turnbuckle, Asuka makes her way onto the apron and get Ruby and is now on Cross but Nikki manages to get Asuka back on the outside. Nikki Cross midair is kneed by Asuka and Ruby Riot makes another attempt at a suicide dive and knocks down Asuka, Instead of grabbing Asuka who she just knocked down she chooses to grab Nikki Cross and head to the top rope. Asuka breaks the pin attempt into one of her own on Ruby Riot, Asuka standing with both competitors now on the mat, Nikki now trying to create some breathing room after almost being german suplexed by Asuka. Nikki clutching the face of Ruby Riot Asuka german suplexes Nikki Cros and is hit by Riot Now on the top rope but is caught by Asuka who now has her in an Asuka Lock but is broken by a splash by Nikki Cross. Cross goes after Riot and gives her a reverse DDT on the apron, Asuka tries to knock Nikki down but Cross gets Asuka caught in the ring apron. Cross just going in on Asuka, Nikki looking around at the damage she has done to both women and goes back in the ring to drag Asuka back in the ring by her hair. Ruby breaking the pin attempt from Cross and both women thinking the same thing and taking each other out now all three women down on the mat. Asuka screaming no as she stands up using the ropes to help her but is knocked out of the ring by both Cross and Riot. Cross and Riot both go for pin attempts on each other both getting a two count Nikki attacks Riot with a knee strike but then becomes conflicted on who she should turn her attention to but ultimately goes back to Ruby Riot. Nikki Cross goes for a swinging fisherman neck breaker but is countered by Riot into a wind-up overhead kick and goes for the pin just as Asuka gets in the ring.Asuka using the ropes to catapult herself and gave a knee strike to Ruby Riot and pinned both women and retained her NXT Women's Championship.

                     Bobby Roode with a GLORIOUS entrance as Hideo Itami looking on with disgust, Bobby starting off cocky and Hideo takes advantage of this and gets him set up for the GTS and Roode makes a run for the outside. Hideo Itami takes control in the beginning and even starts to toy with Roode but Bobby does start to turn the table on Itami. Roode continuing to dominate Itami and not giving him room to breathe so he won't get any offense in but Roode's cockiness gets the better of him and Hideo Itami got frustrated and slapped him. Soon after both men began to exchange strikes but Hideo Itami takes control of the champion about to set up for the Go To Sleep but Roode counters it and sends Itami to the corner.Roode about to get Itami but he moves out of the way and Bobby Roode spears steel ring post instead, damaging his left shoulder in the process and Hideo working on that and aiming his offense to the shoulder, Itami still in control of the match. Spinebuster by Roode to Itami stopping the momentum on Hideo's side, Bobby calling for the Glorious DDT but Bobby Roode's shoulder just couldn't bear the weight of Hideo Itami which allowed Hideo to once again try to go for the Go To Sleep and execute it. Now on the outside, Roode goes to throw Itami into the steel steps but is reversed and Bobby is thrown shoulder first into the steep steps. Hideo Itami hit the GTS but Bobby Roode rolled out of the ring which caused him to get at least some breathing room before Itami brought him back for the pin. Itami setting up for another Go To Sleep on Roode but he counters it into a Glorious DDT but instead of going for the pin he goes for another Glorious DDT and then for the pin Bobby Roode still NXT champion. 

                              Before heading to the main event the cameras pan out to the crowd showing some WWE superstars like the United States Champion Kevin Owens, NXTs own Kassius Ohno, and The Underdog from the Underground Sami Zayn along with Hall of Famer Pat Patterson and lastly in attendance was Milwaukee Brewer Eric Thames. It's Time for the Main Event and fighting for the NXT Tag Team Championship Authors Of Pain vs #DIY in the first ever Ladders Match. #DIY establishing their dominance throughout the fight thus far only fingertips away but Authors of Pain starting to take control of the match. Authors of Pain overpowering #DIY thus far and setting up for powerbombs into ladders but were countered and used against them Ciampa and Rezar breaking the ladder in half and Johnny Gargano on Akam. Tommaso Ciampa making his way up the ladder for the championship titles but Akam, one-half of the Authors of Pain is also trying to climb up the ladder and Johnny Gargano setting up and climbing the ladder that is near the titles trying to grab them but Rezar starts to climb the same ladder too. All four men throwing punches and Akam throws Ciampa off the ladder and Gargano makes his way onto the other ladder also knocks down Akam and Ciampa pushes the ladder with Rezar still holding on. Gargano the only one in the ring about to grab the Tag Team titles but Paul Ellering makes his way into the ring and tosses Gargano off the ladder and pushes the ladder but turns around and is super kicked by Gargano. Authors of Pain tossing Gargano to the outside but also checking on Paul Ellering not before going into the ring to stop Ciampa from climbing the ladder. Authors of Pain taking Ciampa apart just as they are propping him up with a ladder Gargano pushes him out the way and takes the hit for him and his out cold. Ciampa goes to check on him but sees that the Authors of Pain are close to getting the titles and he quickly climbs the ladder and suplexes Rezar into the ladder in the corner from earlier but Akam is still up and he his now climbing up but Gargano manages to grab Akam's leg. Akam folding up the ladder going to hit Ciampa with it but Gargano holding on the ladder preventing it from happening. Akam super kicked by #DIY  he becomes stuck in the folded ladder and #DIY double superkick Akam Ciampa may have injured his leg in the process. Ciampa trying to help Gargano move and also get the ladder from a knocked out Akam and now #DIY climbing and grabbing the titles but Authors of Pain knocking down the ladder and now a dangling #DIY desperately trying to hold on to the titles. Authors of Pain grab #DIY and execute the Super Collider twice and climb up the ladder to retain their Tag Team Titles and make their way toward Paul Ellering and make their way up the ramp leaving #DIY in the ring with the crowd chanting their name and clapping for them showing their love for the Tag Team as they make their way up the ramp. Once up the ramp #DIY still looking around at the crowd Tommaso  Ciampa grabs Johnny Gargano and throws him into the and just starts beating up Gargano who just looks at is former teammate in confusion almost saying no to him knowing what his former friend is about to do to him as Tommaso Ciampa gives him a running knee but he is not done and gives him another running knee near the commentator's desk and just sits almost thinking or contemplating what he was going to do next to Gargano. Johnny Gargano trying to prop up on Tommaso Ciampa but Ciampa grabs Gargano and throws him on top of the announcer's desk and sets him up and drops him off the desk hurting himself as well. Tommaso making his way to the top of the announcer's desk to gloat as the crowd chants YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!  but looks on as the referees and doctors check on Johnny Gargano a former friend and teammate.


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